Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chapter 13: Point of No Return

The Paladin flew next to the dragonoid which was carrying Gundam-Eater. All of the humans gathered in The Paladin to rest up before the coming battle. Ryukai was the most worried.

“Heading for the heart of the Shadowscythe. It seems unwise.” he said.

“You have said that at least five times already,” Mika said annoyed. “Stop complaining.”

“You seem very hostile Mika.” Ryukai responded, “Perhaps you are more nervous than I.”

“Shut up!” Mika said glaring at Ryukai. “What I am thinking and feeling is none of your business. Just as yours is not any of ours, which is why I told you to stop complaining.”

“I don’t think we are going to be a good team if we keep arguing.” Omicron added laughing.

Both of the other pilots turned to him with angered looks. From outside the dragonoid spoke, “Omicron is right. You three need to learn to become a team or else you will bring about the end of the world.”

Mika raised an eyebrow. “The end of the world? Just how large are the Shadowscythe forces?”

“They are vast and I do not doubt they have grown since the day of my creation.”

Mika pressed on, “And when exactly was that?” she found it suspicious that a gigantic robot dragon created by the dragons had not been seen before. The dragons were said to have disappeared, so why didn’t he?

“Approximately one thousand years ago, near the end of the Dragon-Shadowscythe wars.”

Everyone was caught off guard at this. “One thousand years?” Odessa asked. “You look like you are in good condition, I have never seen a machine last a thousand years.”

“The dragons created us with longevity in mind. They knew it would take vast amount of power to overcome the Shadowscythe. That is why they also created the Dragonguard Gundams.”

“Tell us about the dragons.” Starbuck asked. “If that is okay with you. I think we are going to need all the information we can get to fight off the Shadowscythe.”

The dragonoid smiled. “Yes, you will. I will begin with the start of the Shadowscythe wars. Long ago before those dark creatures entered our world the dragons controlled several galaxies. They had united themselves and studied magi-science. By creating powerful machines and giving them mystical powers they created grand things, such as myself nine thousand years later.”

“The Shadowscythe entered the world ten thousand years ago under the command of a new Doom Lord named Valoth. You see the Master of these undead beasts had them organized in a sort of hierarchy. We learned some of it and it seems the primary agent in this world was the Doom Lord Valoth.”

“The Shadowscythe and the Dragons were equal in power. It was a battle between light and darkness, a stalemate. It was clear the battle could not be won like this. So they created ten artificial lifeforms called the dragonoids. As we battled the Shadowscythe during the Final Hundred Years of the war, we began to win. Then...Valoth imprisoned us inside crystal asteroids. The element that the crystals were made of put us in a comatose state.”

“However we were still able to listen and learn unconsciously. After that the Shadowscythe destroyed the sun of the Ligeia system. The Dragons used an untested system known as the Hyper Ladder that sent them away. It sent them into another world. And that is all I know.”

“What about the Dragonguard Gundams?” Lisa asked. “You forgot to mention them.”

“The Dragonguard Gundams were one of several top secret projects that not even I knew about. My clearance level is just below the highest. This is how I know the Dragonguard Gundams are the key to everything. And I know that if I am capable of destroying fleets of Shadowscythe in a single attack, the Dragonguard Gundams must be capable of much more.”

“I don’t believe you.” Mika said. “You are still hiding something, I can tell. Even though your voice is robotic and artificial, I can tell.”

“Give up the act, Mika.” Ryukai complained. “Who are you trying to impress?” Mika was about to snap when the dragonoid continued.

“Yes, I am leaving out a very important detail. And if you three can learn to work together I will reveal it. Perhaps...I may not even have to.”

“Approaching co-ordinates.” Lisa reported. “Exiting hyperspace.”

The Paladin and Dragonoid appeared outside a gigantic portal. Compared to the dragonoid which was one hundred times the ship, the portal was at least three times bigger.

“It is a portal!” the dragonoid exclaimed. “Our mission will be much easier now. All we need to do it shut it down and the Shadowscythe will not be able to send anymore soldiers into our world.”

“Are we going to destroy it?” Omicron asked.

“No...this portal can bring the dragons forth. We can replace the darkness with light.”

“Shadowscythe ships are approaching.” Lisa reported. “I’m preparing the Dragonguard Gundams for combat.”

The three pilots ran to their Gundams and launched from the ship as the dragonoid destroyed all those in their way.

“Underneath the portal is the device that powers it. Make your way there.”

The Gundams battled past the remaining forces as they headed for the base of the portal. They arrived and found the controls to the portal were on the exterior of the device.

“What do we do now?” Omicron asked the dragonoid.

“We can use the portal to track the dragons by using draconic DNA.”

“Where are we going to get that?” Ryukai asked.

“They left an Avatar here...the dragons made sure to leave one of their kind behind. And I know who he is...he hides in human form.”

“Are you telling us we have to leave and find someone?” Mika said angrily.

“No. This portal is can be activated by a hologram. Let me contact him.” The dragonoid opened its mouth and a blue beam was projected onto the controls. A hologram began to form in the shape of Kingadent Warlic.

“Dragonoid? Why have you called me?”

“We need you to use your draconic DNA to find the dragons.”

Warlic looked angry as he knew everyone could hear what the dragonoid was saying. Nonetheless he reached out his hand which turned into a claw and touched a pad that recognized him. The hologram disappeared as the dragonoid moved forward and used the scan to lock onto the dragons signature. Pressing a button the portal that was black and looked like a void collapsed.

In its place a portal of pure light appeared. “Through here...the dragons. We have won the war.” Everyone moved through the portal and as they did it began to close. Closing behind them the portal shut down.

Not far from the portal a claw ripped through the fabric of space. Shadows poured out as something monstrous began to emerge into the world.

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