Saturday, October 24, 2009

S2, Chapter 2: Loreon

Lisa woke up and climbed out of bed. The light from the window momentarily blinded her, but her eyes quickly adjusted. Looking back she noticed her husband was gone. Walking into the living room she saw him.

“James, what is it?” she asked.

He turned around with a serious look on his face. “I sense something isn’t right.” He went back and looked out the window. There house was in a position on the west side of the lake. To the left were the mountains and to the right you could see GEARS in the distance.

In the distance a baby cried. “It looks like Mark is up too.” Lisa went into the bedroom of their one year old son. She picked him up and cradled him in her arms and watched him smile. As she turned around she heard an explosion in the distance.

Running back to James she saw a look of horror on his face. Outside the window GEARS University’s shield had activated. As she looked at what fired upon it she too was horrified. It was a Shadow Gundam....Mephisto. The Shadow Gundam of Lord Valoth. But this time it looked different.

“No it can’t be...” she said sitting down on the couch. “We stopped him. We stopped them all five years ago.”

“Apparently not.” he said gravely. The he ran towards the door. Lisa chased after him.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to get the Carrier of Hope and stop it.”

“Are you insane? It took the power of the Dragonguard Gundams...all three to stop that thing! If you go, you will be killed.”

“What am I supposed to do?” he yelled at her.

Lisa began to cry. “Help us get to safety.” Upon saying this there was another noise in the distance. The two looked out the window to see three orbs of light the size of Gundams. The three lights circled around the changed Mephisto. The red crystals growing on it were shattered and the lights pierced the Gundam causing it to explode.

“What just happened?” she asked. “It was the same as last time...they were all destroyed.”

“Not destroyed” said a voice from behind them. They turned around and saw Omicron except created from light.

“Omicron?” James asked.

“Yes, Admiral Starbuck. I do not know how much longer I can physically stay here...but I have come to warn you. There are things moving within the shadows of this world. They are attempting to return and you mustn’t let them.”

“What do you mean?” Starbuck asked as he began to disappear.

“Just remember...” he said as he completely disappeared.

“Lisa, come with me. We need to talk to Odessa.

The two (and Mark) departed for the palace. Upon arriving they found Odessa was very busy dealing with the current situation.

“You you have something to say? I am a bit busy...” she said quickly.

“We saw Omicron.” James said.

Odessa stopped and looked at him. “Where is he?”

“He disappeared. You see he appeared as a hologram of looked like he was made of light.”

“Did he say anything?”

“He said there are things in the shadows that are trying to return.”

“Was he referring to Lord Valoth’s brief return?” Odessa asked.

“We don’t know,” Lisa responded. “But I would think so. More importantly this means...”

“That they aren’t dead.” Odessa said. “They are still out there somewhere, perhaps not as they once were. Bittersweet news.”

James continued her thought, “Because if they can return so can the Shadowscythe.”

“What should we do about this?” James asked.

“It is clear we need to find out why this is happening. I think it is time to call upon the help of EbilCorp.”

Everyone was silent for a moment. Then Odessa continued. “We reluctantly made them a part of the Galactic Alliance, which means we can use them as a resource. If they don’t know I don’t think anyone will.”

“Do you need any help, Odessa?” James offered.

“No, it is fine. You can return home with your family. If I need anything or find anything out I will contact you immediately.”

As the Starbucks left, Odessa called Mr. Z. “Hello, Mr. Z.” she said. “I need to discuss a matter with you.”

Zorbak listened as Odessa told him what had happened. Immediately he became concerned when the information from Station 5 and Loreon aligned. “We have received a similar report. Something is looking through my systems for a way to return to this world. Possibly several beings.”

As Zorbak spoke to Odessa these very shadows moved through his office and into his private study. The shadows were finally able to look upon themselves. In the mirror they saw their complete forms. Moving through they emerged once again into this world.

“It feels so good to be back.” spoke one of them. “Now I can finally get my revenge on Captain Starbuck.”

Next Time in Gundam: Shadow....Nightmare. The war has been over for five years, but a new war is going to start. From the darkness of the past three old foes arrive.

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