Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chapter 9: Apocalypse, Part 2 of 5: The True Purpose

“It is time.” Drakath said from the Carrier. “Initiate the final secret of the DragonGuard...the Shadow of the Dragons System!”

Each of the DragonGuard saw a small black orb manifest. They each grabbed it, and felt it calling for an answer. “Activate?” it called out to them.

Responding to the call, they answered. The black orbs expanded, and were lit up by the flame. They could now see, they had become bombs. They planted themselves upon the planet-sized demon and exploded.

But the explosion was different than what you would expect. The bombs became voids that began to drain the power of the Demon Valoth, as well as the DragonGuard. Valoth lost some of his size...and the DragonGuard returned to normal Gundams. They were no longer living flame, but metal once again.

“What just happened?” Zorbak asked shocked.

“He is now confined to this world. To all worlds.” Drakath said. “This is your chance to free all the realities. Valoth is the manifestation of shadow in all of them. Defeating him here...will free everyone!” he yelled triumphantly. 

 All of them felt the change occur. There was a greater change than simply finding themselves in a true Gundam once again. The living flame, was now contained within them. They were able to perceive what Valoth truly was.

 “This has always been our goal.” Mika said. “Even if we didn’t know it.”

 “Our destiny.” Ryukai added.

 They were all ready for the final battle. Valoth was still gigantic, as large as several warships, but he was now equal to all of them. It was going to end here.

 “You think you have weakened me...” he said recovering from the massive amounts of pain that came with his power reduction. “But I will show you, I still possess great power. Arise, my Shadowscythe Army!”

 Inside the Carrier of Hope, Drakath growled. For Valoth had not raised an army in the form of an Armada, but living beings. From inside the ship, before his very eyes, monsters rose from the shadows.

 They were different from normal Shadowscythe though. They were twisted, almost a desperate attempt to take down the dragons. Drakath smiled seeing that they were not whole.

 “Drakath.” the beast in front of him said in a dark, growling voice. “Your race dies here.”


 “Yes. I have transferred part of my consciousness into this vessel. And with it, you will fall.” the beast continued.

 “A desperate attempt. You should give up instead of putting us all through this.”

 The beast stared. It was not as intelligent as the real Valoth and even though it was partly him, it could not comprehend a statement like that.

 “This beast has been crudely crafted. My fleet is falling yes, my kind being slain, but this is only because you know you are about to fall. You are in great pain. You are a pathetic being and I truly feel sorry for you.”

 The Valoth Beast smiled. It leapt forward and dug its claw into Drakath’s body. Blood began to flow out of him and stain his scales. “Is this pathetic?”

 Drakath was still smiling. He didn’t put up a fight because he knew it wasn’t worth it. “While this message will never reach your true ears, it is worth saying. You have already lost. So much information about our kind has been lost...but those three know it now.”

 The Valoth Beast removed its claw from Drakath’s body and he fell to the ground. “Mika Ray, Ryukai, and Zorbak. They possess everything now. Even if shadow overwhelms us, they will survive. They are the last dragons.”

 The Valoth Beast didn’t understand. A stupid being like it couldn’t. But the real Valoth did, even if he wasn’t told it. He knew everything Drakath had said in his mind. This battle...was ending.

 The DragonGuard watched as the draconic fleet was destroyed internally. Ships began to explode out of nowhere. The shadows were killing all the dragons. Rage flared up within them.

 “We can’t save them.” Zorbak said, trying to focus their rage on the one responsible for this.“Focus on Valoth!”

 Mika and Ryukai didn’t want to abandon their friends. But they had no choice. They turned towards Valoth and prepared to fight. These suits were new, but their instincts told them how to operate it.

 Mika was the first to attack. “Exarch Ramiel.” she whispered, knowing the name of her angelic Gundam. A beam axe extended from its right hand and she flew forward towards and using all of the Gundam’s strength, she swung the axe and smashed it’s edge into Valoth.

 The sound was metallic. The strength of her attack rang throughout space and Valoth himself. Before he could react, Ryukai did the same.

 “Exarch Sariel.” he said. His Gundam, which now truly resembled a mage, lifted its great staff. Light energy gathered around it, before exploding into three beams of light. They zoomed towards Valoth, and then gave the appearance of wrapping around him. In reality, they were slicing his skin and then lodging themselves within him and exploding.

 Another metallic ringing sound. Throughout space, it rang. It had a strange effect on the DragonGuard. They didn’t understand it, but they knew it was exactly what they wanted to hear.

 Zorbak was last. “Exarch Phanuel.” His Gundam was a bit larger than before, and seemed to have no weapons besides the gun it held in its hand. Phanuel raised its gun and fired like a machine gun at Valoth. Each bullet caused more ringing.

 It intensified, and they could feel the vibrations bouncing throughout space. But it was more than that. Drakath had told him they were going to free every reality.

 Mika smiled. “That sound...its the sound of our fight everywhere isn’t it?”

 Valoth was now motionless. It seemed robotic, almost. All of the DragonGuard attacks seemed to have stopped it. “Has time..stopped?” Zorbak asked.

 Everything around them seemed silent. The ringing stopped. “Course calculated.” announced each Gundam to its owner. “Dimensional path prepared. Preparing suits for jump.”

 “Wait...” Ryukai said. “This course leads...into Valoth?”

 In a great flash of blue the Gundams were gone. Before anyone could respond to Ryukai they found themselves in darkness.

 “I guess I’m back.” said a voice. Mika and Ryukai were surprised. The voice came from inside Exarch Phanuel. But it was not Zorbak.


Next Time on Gundam: Shadow of the Dragons

Apocalypse, Part 3 of 5: War Through Reality!

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