Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chapter 8: Apocalypse, Part 1 of 5: Our Demon Foe

The shock ended. But the screams continued. As everyone awoke, they looked up, bleary eyed, at the cruel demon watching them.

“Do you see now why it was necessary?” Omicron said with a smile, as he always did.

“Now you can truly hate me, you can...” he began. A technician approached him and whispered something into his ear.

“How dissappointing. It seems Starbuck expired before you could see his memories. Oh well, he was worthless anyways. In sixty seconds you will all be free, and I will be gone. The hunt begins, soon.” he announced as he walked out of view.

Fire erupted on the fists of the Dragonguard. 55 seconds remained.

Their desire to kill Omicron ravaged their minds. 30 seconds remained.

The fire began to spread. The hate they had soon turned into a desire for justice. The blue flame began to engulf their bodies. 15 seconds remained.

Now each of them was covered in the ultimate power. The Astral Fire they had gained when they restored Zorbak. 10 seconds remained.

Their time for vengeance was now. 5 seconds remained.

Mika stared up, Ryukai clenched his fists, and Zorbak closed his eyes. 1 second.

A bright light burst from the seas of Loreon. The Poseidon exploded in flames that tore apart the water as three large comets of blue fire erupted upwards. The energy sent shockwaves across the surface of the planet.

“We will tear him apart.” Mika said as they rocketed into space.

“Omicron will be punished.” Ryukai said.

“For all the crimes he has committed against us and our friends.” Zorbak said.

Just as quickly as the Poseidon exploded, they were in space following a trail of dark energy that only they could see. As they broke through the atmosphere, they broke that which bound them.

The comets that they were exploded, and they did not lose speed, as they became the Astral Dragonguard Gundams. Each one of them was made of an unknown metal that could only be seen as light blue. The frames weren’t even completed, because the Gundams were each one of them.

The fire of their souls had erupted into the shape they desired. Mika’s desire to strike at the heart of Omicron caused Valkyrie to sprout wings that were eight times the size of the “mecha” and wield a halberd of equal size.

Zorbak’s desire to protect the innocent caused his “mech” to fall to pieces. The odd blue metal separated into three separate pieces that formed into gigantic shields protecting a sphere of intense blue fire that surrounded Zorbak.

Ryukai’s desire to punish Omicron, to torture him, caused his “mech” to condense around him. An infinite source of power condensed into a second skin of fire around him.

They weren’t pilots. These weren’t mechas. What they were now, was themselves. An incarnation of their desires. They flew through space of their own will, and the flames of the Astral Dragonguard followed them.

Their speed increased almost to the speed of light, as they finally caught up with Omicron. He was almost a mirror image of them. Except he was surrounded by a sphere of dark energy.

“You all look so angry, why not lighten up?” he said laughing. “Joke around with your old buddy, Omicron.”

“You are a demon.” Mika exclaimed.

“You are Valoth.” Ryukai added.

“You will never be Omicron. He was a good person.”

“Omicron was me. He was a fake. A delusion in your mental prison.” Valoth said taunting them. Mika struck with her halberd, but the dark energy deflected the giant weapon. Ryukai let loose a hellstorm of blue flame from his stored energy, it slowly ate away at the darkness, but was then deflected by Valoth’s will. Zorbak’s three shields surrounded Omicron and closed in, trying to squeeze the darkness, and illuminate it.

However, Valoth simply shattered the shields. Zorbak quickly regenerated each one, and then spoke. “Omicron was someone you tried to be. We may have been in a prison, but he was real. And you can never take away the True Omicron.”

Strengthened by Zorbak’s words, they all attacked once more. Mika’s halberd drove itself past the shadow and pierced Valoth. The demon roared and grabbed the halbered with his hands and thrust it outside of his dark sphere. Ryukai then created a wall of spikes in front of him out of the flame. They surrounded the shield and swept inwards, tearing it apart. All but three were destroyed, and those three pierced Valoth’s head, knee, and stomach.

Before the darkness could free him of the astral flames, Zorbak surrounded Valoth with his shields once more. As the spikes were thrust out of his body, they ricocheted off the blue metal and once again pierced Valoth.

Then they heard a roar. This time, it was truly a demon’s roar. It shattered the spikes and shields, and the dark energy expanded, grabbing onto the astral flames. But it could not hold them. Their Gundams repelled the darkness, and it collapsed into Valoth.

With another roar, he absorbed them and his body of flesh ripped apart. Red crystal wings coursing with doom energy sprouted from the body of shadow. The shadows grew, and Valoth’s size increased to one far larger than the Gundams.

The doom crystallized his entire body, and then shattered. His skin was now that of a true demon. His appearance was that of a demon. Shadow and doom had no influence here, this was their true enemy.

The Demon Valoth.

“Finish me!” he roared. “I dare you to use those flames, to try and overcome my might. You can not destroy me no matter how hard you try. Not even with an army at your side!”

“Lies!” yelled a voice from behind all of them. A large ship approached. It was the Carrier of Hope. The voice was that of Drakath. The emperor of the dragons was commanding his fleet, the draconic fleet behind him, from their old ship.

“You think you can destroy me? You pathetic dragons admitted defeat already. You left your fate in their hands...not even the Shadow of the Dragons can defeat me now!” Valoth proclaimed.

His demonic form plunged downwards into a was H. They hadn’t realized they were right outside of Essence. Within seconds, the planet exploded, and in its place was the Demon Valoth, now the size of the planet he consumed.

The army and the ADG looked upon the planet sized foe. “We will drag you back to Hell.” Mika exclaimed.

“Aren’t you the least bit frightened?” Valoth taunted.

“We have saved the world twice. Even if it was in a fake was real to us. It was the same as this world.” Ryukai said.

“All this time, we have been preparing for this moment. And we will succeed. It is our destiny.” Zorbak proclaimed.

“It is time.” Drakath said from the Carrier. “Initiate the final secret of the DragonGuard...the Shadow of the Dragons System!”

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