Saturday, January 9, 2010

SoTD Chapter 2: Recollections

"Omicron?” the man asked himself. “That name sounds so familiar...”

“Are you remembering something?” James asked.

“No. It just sounds familiar. I remember another, a few...”

“Well go on.” Theta urged. “Please tell us. Perhaps we can help you.”

“Mika...Ray....and...Ryukai...Valkyrie...Phoenix...Starbuck...” he started saying struggling with the names.

“Starbuck?!” James asked taking a step back. “How do you know that name?” When Omicron just looked at him he became angry. “Tell me!” he cried out.

“James Starbuck.”

“You just repeated my name...” he said not knowing whether to be angry or upset.

“No, not you. A different James Starbuck...he was the Admiral. He helped us...I don’t remember with what...its all so fuzzy...”

“Let’s go Theta. He may look like you, but he doesn’t know anything. We should get away from this madman.”

Theta shook his head. “Be a bit more patient. Plus, are you willing to leave all these supplies behind? We could stay here for quite some time.”

“What good are these supplies if he kills us? He had a weapon when we entered! You should be thankful he handed it over...and what if this Omicron tries to take it back?”

“Would you really let him do that? And if he becomes hostile we could handle it. However, he is in a similar situation as I am...”

“That doesn’t mean he is the same as you. I know you aren’t going to turn around and kill me..”

“Do you now?” Theta asked. “You don’t know that. I’m exactly like Omicron. If I had a weapon...if I was alone for so long, be it a true period of ninety years or a few days, why wouldn’t I act the same way?”

“Are we really having this conversation?” James asked trying to convince Theta to leave with him.

“Tell me...why would you help me and not him? This is more than just a similar is almost exactly the same one. You helped me because I was hurt, and you won’t help Omicron? If I have any hopes of regaining my is here!”

James sighed. “Fine. We can stay for a bit. But if we don’t get answers soon, then I am leaving.”

Omicron smiled. “I remember now...Admiral Starbuck of the Soluna Defense Forces. He served under Queenadent Odessa with us.”

James felt uneasy. Omicron's memories were starting to align with what he knew. Perhaps this Omicron character did know something.

“He helped us in the war against the Shadowscythe. The Carrier of Hope was his ship...Lisa his wife...and Marcus his son. And he was killed due to the actions of Kabroz, the moglin who took control of EbilCorp after Zorbak.”

James was taken aback by all this. It was all true. However the last part made him uneasy. “After Zorbak? Zorbak is in control of EbilCorp now...he is the one responsible for all of this. The destruction, that army of Light Crawlers...what can only be described as the apocalypse.”

“He must not have aged. I have seen what EbilCorp is capable is not all that surprising to me.” Omicron said. “However, all hope is not yet lost. We need to find my allies...the DragonGuard.”

“DragonGuard?” Theta asked. “That sounds familiar to me...”

“They are a myth. The other survivors view them as hope, as the saviors of the world. But they haven’t shown themselves in a hundred years.”

“Around the same time Omicron arrived here.” Theta observed.

James looked at the two. “You aren’t saying...they also wound up like him? Crazy and alone inside fallout shelters?”

“No.” Omicron said continuing to remember. “I was lost...they found me. Restored me. But that was what caused amnesia. However, I have also gained newfound strength. They have too. I can sense it.”

With that last word he stretched out his palm and a blue flame appeared. James screamed, but Theta did not move. James couldn’t believe the sight. Omicron was telling the truth about everything? With this he knew it must be true. A mix of emotions flooded into him, and just as quickly they left. He didn’t know what to feel. Hope, shock, fear, safety...

Theta stared at the flame. “Initiating communications protocol. Marker identified. Linking to satellite EC-117. Contacting station 13.”

Theta’s eyes turned a dark red color and he emitted a laugh. A sinister laugh. “ has been such a long time.”

“Who are you?” Omicron asked.

“Zorbak. Your old friend. I am so very glad you are Theta can finish scanning the data and my clones can be created.”

“Clones?” James asked.

“Of the DragonGuard. In order to deal with those pesky beings I need to create a counter...I am calling them the EbilGuard! Such a clever name, isn’t it?”

“Impressive work Zorbak. So who is really behind this?” Omicron then asked smiling.

“Excuse me?!” Zorbak cried through Theta.

“We all know you are an idiot. You couldn’t destroy a rock with a nuclear missile. There is no way you brought about this apocalypse by yourself.”

“Mehehe. That is sadly true...however I have a new ally. An ally known as MOG. A robotic system that predicts the best moves possible and executes the actions necessary for EbilCorp to gain the most out of the world!”

“Well Zorbak have you scanned your data yet?” Omicron asked smiling widely.

“I haven’t begun the process yet.”

“Good.” Omicron said. He launched the flame at Theta who screamed, severing the connection with Zorbak. Omicron then produced a stream of flame and burned Theta.

“What the hell are you doing?!” James cried.

“He was just a robot. It was a necessary evil.”

“Necessary evil? You burnt made him suffer!”

“This world has very little hope left. I can’t take any chances...unfortunately I can’t take any chances with you either.”

James was engulfed in flame before he could respond. Omicron looked at the charred corpses before he left. “I have stored my emotions away for now...but when this is all over and the world is saved...I will mourn for both of you.”

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