Saturday, January 9, 2010

SoTD Chapter 3: Prelude to Truth

“Omicron has been activated.” Ryukai said to himself. “And I’m still not free yet...”

Ryukai sat in a large metal room. There were no doors, no windows, and he could not enter his Dragonguard form. He did not know how long he had been here, but it felt like quite a long time.

Then suddenly the wall in front of him exploded and a hole large enough for him to crawl through opened. He did so and found himself in a long passage. Ryukai began running as fast as he could, however, the hallway would not end.

When he looked back, he found himself standing in the same spot. “Where am I?” he asked. “This place...seems like some sort of mental prison.”

And with that thought a bright light appeared and lit the hallway. A door was visible at the end. Ryukai walked through and found himself in a circular chamber made of the same material as his original cell.

“Could it really be as simple as stating the truth?” he asked himself.

The ceiling retracted and the floor began to rise. The elevator moved to another floor. There he could see another version of himself standing there.

“Why are you here?” asked the Other Version.

“I can’t remember.”

“Then you will never escape.”

Ryukai thought. The last thing he remembered was Mika and himself locking Omicron away underneath Soluna. The elevator moved slightly and the other version of himself began to fade. He knew he was nearing the truth.

“We left Omicron as a backup...and went after Mr. Z.” The elevator advanced a little further and his other self was extremely translucent.

“Then we were captured. And put to sleep. I woke up here.”

The other version of himself disappeared and the elevator flew upwards. “How did Zorbak construct something like this?” he asked himself.

The elevator stopped and he noticed he was now in a large field. After he stepped off the metallic platform, it disappeared into the earth. He looked around and saw the field seemingly continued on forever. However, in the distance he saw someone.

Ryukai approached the person and soon recognized them as Mika. “Mika?” he cried out.

“So you finally got here.” she said. “It took you long enough to escape...I think.”

“Is this, reality?” he asked.

“No. We are still trapped...whatever Zorbak did to us, we are trapped within. However, the exit is here.” It was then that Ryukai noticed Mika was standing on a large circular button. Next to her were two more.

“Those buttons...they activate the exit?”

Mika nodded. “However, we need Omicron to stand on the final button. And I don’t think he is here.”

Ryukai stood on the second button, and the frame of a door rose from the earth. “What if we just hold down the final one?”

“I already tried holding down all three. However, nothing happened. When you stood on the second this frame appeared. Whatever this is...we need another unique individual to stand on the final button.”

“Then we need to wait for Omicron to be captured and escape like we did?” he asked.

“It seems that way. Which scares me.”

“Don’t be scared.” said a voice. The two turned around to see another person. They say before them, Admiral Starbuck.

“Admiral?” Ryukai asked.

“He isn’t real.” Mika said. “He was killed.”

“I’m sure it looked that way. The only thing killed during the war was the Carrier. However I was saved...and imprisoned, by EbilCorp.”

“Kabroz ordered you dead.” Mika said, not as willing to trust Starbuck as Ryukai was.

“And Zorbak had me saved. Well..imprisoned. Didn’t any of you notice he disappeared from the palace?”

“ turned that place upside down searching for Kabroz.” Ryukai noted. “Did you see Zorbak?”

“I did not. But he could have been anywhere.” she said.

“I’ll show you that I am real.” he said. Starbuck stepped forward and stepped on the last button. The door frame exploded, and from the earth a full door appeared. The door opened itself and the world was devoured.

Ryukai opened his eyes and immediately panicked. Above him was a sheet of glass. He was in some sort of box, and there was a device on his head. However the device moved backwards and the cover slid off the box. He sat up and saw the same thing happen to two other pods. Mika and Starbuck climbed out of their pods.

“So you did survive.” Mika said. “Thank you for helping us escape.”

“I was trapped in there too.” Starbuck said laughing.

“Now that we are free, I think we should go have chat with Zorbak.” Ryukai said angrily as blue flames engulfed his fists.

“Wait a second...” Mika said. “There’s one more pod.” They moved to the back of the room and saw the cover of the pod was shattered and burnt. The signs of an energy bullet. Lying inside the pod, was Zorbak.

“No...” Starbuck said. “He put me in this pod, watched me as I sunk into his mental prison. Which means...”

“Someone decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.” Mika observed.

The group opened a door and found themselves in the middle of a bustling factory. Robots moved around busily. One side of giant room was a large glass window. And through it they saw Loreon.

“This is an EbilCorp station...and its still running.” Ryukai said. “I don’t think whoever killed Zorbak is a friend to us.”

“How right you are.” a voice said. They turned around and saw the door to the prison room being shut from behind. As the door swung backwards and shut they saw the figure step out of the darkness.

“Omicron?” Mika said. “Your a little late.”

“It appears to be that way. To think I was a few seconds away from terminating you three.”

“Terminating?” Ryukai asked. His fists lit up with blue flames. “You don’t mean...”

“Welcome to Hades.” he said smiling.

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