Saturday, January 9, 2010

SoTD Chapter 5: Ryukai

Ryukai’s First Memory

“These are the true pilots of the Dragonguard.” Warlic announced acknowledging Ryukai and two others. “Mika Ray will be piloting Phoenix, Ryukai will be piloting Swordmagi, and Zorbak will be piloting Guardian Spirit.”

Warlic then continued on. “I will introduce you to each other so you can learn all you need to know about the Gundams. Mika Ray, this is James Starbuck the former pilot of Phoenix. Ryukai, this is Odessa Pureheart, former Swordmagi pilot. And finally Zorbak, this is Maria 5 former pilot of Guardian Spirit.”

“Hello, Admiral Pureheart.” Ryukai said shaking her hand.

“Ryukai.” she said. “I have to say this is a surprise, Warlic never said he was going to pick different pilots for the DragonGuard.”

“Well he didn’t tell us why we had to pilot them either...” Ryukai explained. “So I’m sorry if you wanted answers.”

“Honestly, I am not sure what he means when he says that we should show you guys how the Gundams work. I have no idea what Swordmagi is capable of.”

“I’ll learn in time.” Ryukai said displaying a positive attitude.

“Now let’s go talk to Warlic about this. I’m not going to hand over my Gundam to a complete stranger.” she said with a smile.

The two walked over to the Dean who was talking to a student. “May we borrow you for a moment?” Odessa asked.

“Of course.” he said turning to her and Ryukai.

“I’d like to know why you are giving our Gundams away.” she asked bluntly.

“Trust me when I say these students are the most fit. We searched through the genetic records of GEARS and had a professional select the best candidates.”

“A professional?” Ryukai asked.

“Yes. In fact I can introduce you to him. He’s currently waiting for all of us at the Knife and Spork.”

With that, Warlic gathered everyone and they walked towards the Knife and Spork. They begin to move away from their pairings and mingled with each other. Everyone soon knew one another’s name and the type of person they were.

At the Knife and Spork, Warlic guided them to a large table in the back room where a man in a black suit was sitting.

“Everyone, this is Omicron of Soluna Genetics.” Warlic said introducing them.

Ryukai’s Second Memory

“Omicron.” Ryukai said angrily. He was on the floor, in a pool of his own blood.

“I’m quite surprised Ryukai. A typical member of RuneHawk wouldn’t have been able to take down seven of my men like that. Perhaps you are more of a brute?” he laughed.

“What the hell do you want with me?” Ryukai said insulted.

“I want to find out what makes Your genetic profile is very interesting, which is why I chose you. Sorry for bringing you to such a place like this in such circumstances...but I need my answers. From each and every one of you.”

They were in a dark cellar located near the base of GEARS University. Ryukai held his side in pain. “I won’t let you get to the others.”

“I don’t really think you have a choice.” Omicron noted. “Now let’s open up that precious brain of yours and do a little exploring. I promise that tomorrow, you will remember all of this, but will find yourself unable to speak of it.”

“What?” Ryukai asked.

“If you try to tell anyone what I am about to do to you, and that goes the same for the others when it is their turn, you will find yourself having an extremely painful and lucid seizure.”

Omicron’s body then began to change. His skin “unfolded” and darkness poured out of it. The darkness wrapped around his human shell and bright red energy erupted from his eyes and claws. The next thing Ryukai felt was cold. A dark cold feeling that would be impossible to describe.

Ryukai’s Third Memory

“You were terribly injured.” Nurse Helia said to Ryukai who was laying in the Infirmary of GEARS.

“What...happened?” he asked. He knew what happened last night, but he did not know what everyone else was told.

“There was an incident involving the elevator. It was utterly destroyed while you were in it. It is a miracle you weren’t killed.” she explained.

“How are you doing?” asked a voice. Ryukai turned his head to see Odessa and the others from yesterday were all gathered.

“I’m doing fine. A bit traumatized...” he said knowing it was a vast understatement.

“We will have to find a temporary replacement pilot for Swordmagi, it seems.” Warlic said. “I’ll contact Omicron.”

“No! I’m fine!” Ryukai yelled out. He needed to warn them somehow of what, that dark creature, would do to anyone he selected as being “genetically interesting.”

“Listen to me...” he began. “Stay together. Make sure that you don’t go near...aaaggh!” he screamed in pain. He twisted and convulsed in the hospital bed. The pain, was everywhere. He suffered physically and mentally. He couldn’t feel anything but the pain, but he knew he cried.

He cried because he knew it was hopeless. There was no way he could warn Mika and Zorbak. They would all experience the same nightmare, but they would not be able to speak of it.

So there was only one solution. As he screamed in pain, he yelled in his mind. “I WILL KILL OMICRON.”

Next Up: Chapter 6-Mika Ray: With the revelations of Ryukai experienced by all, what memories of Mika will be shared?

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