Saturday, January 9, 2010

SoTD Chapter 4: Truth out of Memory

“Your a traitor?” Starbuck asked shocked.

“You can’t really say that. After all you have all been trapped inside my prison for a good ninety years now. And I have to say, your escape was quite impressive.”

“What happened? You killed Zorbak and took over his company and imprisoned us?” Mika asked.

“You don’t even remember your good friend Zorbak as he truly was...” Omicron said laughing.

“What do you mean by that?” Ryukai asked.

“Zorbak, was another DragonGuard pilot. And you think that he was the head of an evil corporation. How hysterical.” Omicron said with a sinister smile.

The three were confused. They didn’t know whether Omicron had gone insane, or if their memories had been tampered with.

“I will explain my ingenious plot. Perhaps you will remember then. All four of you were members of the DragonGuard at one time or another. You fought with the dragons in an attempt to defeat my kind, the Shadowscythe. During your attack on my primary base, Zeus, you were captured. I had you transported to Hades and reversed your memories and spun a web of lies. I had you think Zorbak was me, and I was Zorbak.”

“So you are the mastermind behind it all then. Omicron you son of a-” Mika began.

“Please don’t insult me by using that stupid name from your memory. “I am Lord Valoth.”

And with that the true memories surfaced within all of them. They screamed in pain as their brains rearranged the information. Mr. Z was Lord Valoth. EbilCorp was part of the Shadowscythe. The Galactic Conglomerate was Zeus. Essence was the name of the dragon’s galaxy. The Dragonoids did not exist. Necryptos did not exist. Westion did not exist. Loreon was the only real planet.

“You idiots...believing there was a planet of vampires and one of horse and lizard people? Really.” Valoth laughed. “And that an idiotic little moglin ran a gigantic company along with other moglins who came from different parallel worlds? Truly hysterical.”

“It has been ninety years...what have you done to Loreon?” Ryukai asked.

“Zorbak could tell you if he wasn’t see his death was quite fun. Inside the pod he thought he was Omicron who had lost his memory. After escaping from the place you two,” Valoth said pointing to Mika and Ryukai “imprisoned him in, he went out to search for you. That’s when he was devoured by an army of gigantic insects made of light.”

After stopping to laugh for a few seconds, Valoth regained his composure. “He was seizing within that pod for hours. I decided to be nice and end it for him.”

“Your insane.” Starbuck yelled. “I’d strangle you if I could...”

“Not surprising.” Valoth said. “Now back to my plan. After destroying your precious world, and harvesting the majority of your powers as the Astral DragonGuard, I came here to terminate all of you.”

“You didn’t count on us escaping did you?” Mika said.

“Oh it really doesn’t matter. Now that I have all the data necessary to replicate the Astral power you have...I’m unstoppable.”

“You don’t have that power yet.” Mika declared. “You won’t kill us as easily as you think.”

Valoth’s cheerful face suddenly became a serious one. “I wouldn’t dare fight you in your current state. You aren’t my enemy. I need to ensure you have all of your memories make sure you are the same person as my enemy. And don’t worry, I made backups of all of you. We’ll be heading down to Poseidon to repair your minds.”

“I’ll kill you.” Ryukai swore.

“I’m sure you will. You were always the brutish one of the group. Mika was always the one with the real ambition, though. I would prefer it if she was the one to kill me.” he said smiling at her. “Now, time to disable you all for the journey. Terminus.”

With that last word, the three in front of Valoth dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Poseidon: Neuroscience Research Center

Ryukai awoke. His vision was extremely blurry and all he could see was a blue wall. As his vision cleared he noticed the wall was blue due to a light coming from above him. He was strapped onto something vertically. Some sort of cylindrical device.

Near the upper right of his vision he saw a glass observation room. Inside was Valoth. With a loud noise, water began to flood into the chamber. The water level stopped after submerging the lower half of his body.

“This is going to hurt a bit.” a voice said over the radio.

Ryukai heard a zipping noise and soon noticed two wires being lowered into the water. When the exposed wires hit the water, he screamed in pain. The chamber lit up as electricity flew everywhere.

The pain however began to subside as he was forced to remember. The memories came back. Once again, he remembered. He felt his mind merge with the others...

He did not know where they were. But right now, they were all sharing a consciousness. They were exchanging memories.

Next Up: Chapter 5-Ryukai. With their minds as one, the truth will come to light. What part of their memories are real? And what parts...never existed?

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