Friday, January 15, 2010

SoTD Chapter 6: Mika Ray

Chapter 6: Mika

Mika’s First Memory

“I will introduce you to each other so you can learn all you need to know about the Gundams. Mika Ray, this is James Starbuck the former pilot of Phoenix. Ryukai, this is Odessa Pureheart, former Swordmagi pilot. And finally Zorbak, this is Maria 5 former pilot of Guardian Spirit.” Warlic said.

“Hello, Ms. Ray.” Starbuck said with a smile on his face.

“Captain Starbuck.” she responded. “So this is Phoenix...” she said looking at the Gundam. It was definitely not like any mobile suit she had ever seen before. In fact, she knew calling it a mobile suit would be wrong.

“I’m sorry that I’m not prepared to give you a tour. This happened quite unexpectedly.” he said with a chuckle.

“That’s fine.” she responded coldly.

“But it is still possible...please, follow me.”

Mika’s Second Memory

“Just like Ryukai, you are.” Omicron said angrily. “How is it that my creations aren’t strong enough to fight university students?”

“What do you mean just like Ryukai?” she said, ignoring everything else.

“Oh that’s right. You know it better as the ‘elevator accident’.” Omicron said smiling sinisterly. “Unfortunately, that isn’t exactly what happened. Soon enough you will learn, you will experience, what happened to him.”

Just then the door to the basement was kicked open. Ryukai ran in with Zorbak, and the two hurried over to Mika.

“Zorbak, free Mika. And run.” Ryukai commanded. The moglin nodded and untied Mika and began to leave.

“I’m not leaving him.” she said to Zorbak.

Before Zorbak could respond, she was next to Ryukai and facing Omicron. The man, whatever demon it was hiding inside a man’s body...was smiling. He never stopped smiling.

“Even all three of you combined couldn’t stop me. Isn’t that right, Ryukai? Oh wait. You can’t tell anyone or you will have a fun little episode...”

“What did you do to him?” Mika demanded.

“A little bit of rewiring in his brain. I also found some very interesting genetic sequences, and I can’t wait to find out if they are in you too.”

“You won’t be doing that.” Ryukai protested. He wanted to leap forward and rip Omicron apart.

“And how are you going to stop me? Did you ever stop to think that I also changed other parts of you? Maybe if you try to attack me you will find yourself sprawling on the ground and gasping for air. Who knows? Oh wait...I do.” he taunted.

“Let’s find out.” he said, surprising Omicron. Ryukai rushed forward and threw a left hook punch at Omicron. His fist connected, and there was a squishing sound as his face collapsed and a green liquid oozed out.

Ryukai looked at his fist, and when he did he noticed an odd phenomena. The green liquid was being converted into dark wisps of energy and they flowed back into Omicron’s face, but they did not repair it.

“So you really can do permanent damage to me.” he said, with half of his face comprised of living shadow.

“Darkness...” Mika uttered. “No. You can’t be...we can’t be...” she began.

“This night hasn’t gone as planned at all.” Omicron commented. “I’ll be back after I rethink my strategy.” With that he melted into shadow energy which searched the room for an exit. It found a small crack in the wall, and in seconds was gone.

Mika’s Third Memory

Zorbak, Ryukai, and Mika were all sitting at a table in the GEARS University library. In front of them was an old book. It had been perfectly preserved.

“It was from the year 2012.” commented the librarian, Maya, before leaving them to study its contents.

“So do we finally get to learn about what you continue to ramble on about, Mika?” Zorbak asked.

“Yes. I’m sorry, but this is the evidence I needed to confirm it.” she responded. “If this book says what it should...then, everything will make sense.” Mika opened the book and skipped through the blank pages. She knew they would be there. She finally reached text around the middle of the book.

“The Prophecies of the Domus?” Ryukai asked. “Are these...the House Prophecies?”

“Yes.” Mika said. “However, this isn’t what I am looking for. Long ago on my home, that planet I lived on, the one that was certainly no home to anyone...I came across this book. And in it, it spoke of not only the GEARS prophecies, but it foretold future events from another source. I brought this book here for Maya to look after.”

“What other source?” Zorbak asked.

“The dragons.” She said turning to the page where a large dragon was sketched. It surrounded the heavens and beneath it there was ancient draconic writing.

“What does it say?” Ryukai asked.

Mika replied: “The Shadow of the Dragons.”

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