Friday, December 11, 2009

S2 Chapter 13: Shattered

The dragonoid rocketed forward. In seconds his army was no longer visible, and he was catching up to the beam of Soul Eaters. He flew faster and faster until he was ahead of the beam which was now nearing Loreon.

The dragonoid made a sharp turn and stopped directly in the path of the beam. The Soul Eaters collided with the dragonoid. In the explosion, the Soul Eaters were scattered. A large blue mist of glowing orbs was outside of Loreon. The orbs floated towards the planet at an incredibly slow pace.

At this point the Gundams and the draconic fleet had arrived outside of Loreon. Right outside of this world would the final battle take place. Mika and Ryukai were in Gundam form and were paired with Archon 117 and 234.

“Synchronizing Gundams and Archons.” announced Vero.

“Synchronizing Twin Gundams.” announced Vera.

“Ready to combine the power of four Gundams?” Vero asked the Dragonguard.

“As ready as we will ever be.” Mika stated. The two Archons aimed at the wall of Soul Eaters. The light energy gathered in front of the Archons and combined. A gigantic sphere of light shook in front of them. The energy was unstable and the Archons clearly couldn’t control it.

In one large explosion, the Dragonguard were thrown into hyperspace. “What just happened?” Ryukai asked astonished.

“The blast...took us into hyperspace?” she guessed.

“Where are the others? And...grah!” he cried out. “Why can’t we leave? I can’t open a portal back to normal space...”

“I can’t either.” Mika said.

In front of them particles of light gathered to form an object. Mika and Ryukai flew forward and saw Omicron’s head.

“Omicron!” Mika said surprised.

The eyes of the head opened. And the head spoke. “ what he me..”

“Valoth?” Ryukai asked.

“Yes. I...can...not exist...much..longer...” the head said. The eyes closed and they felt the energy draining.

“What can we do to help him?” Mika asked. “He said he was shattered...among hyperspace? It will be impossible to restore him..”

Omicron’s eyes opened again. “Not...impossible...the shadows...they hurt I”

“Valoth is causing this!’ Mika said anger gathering. “All evil is connected to him and EbilCorp...”

Mika screamed in rage. The two Dragonguard were then pulled back to normal space. There they saw the draconic fleet battling the Soul Eaters intensely.

“The Dragonguard!” exclaimed one of the dragonoids. “You are safe?”

“Yes.” Ryukai responded. “The blast sent us into hyperspace...” he began. Upon thinking this a though appeared in his mind. “The Alliance Gundams! What happened to them?”

“They have been fighting with us for an hour now. The Soul Eaters were both destroyed and scattered. We are hunting them down now.”

The Alliance Gundams were fighting fiercely to make sure no Soul Eaters escaped to Earth. The orbs were small and difficult to hit which made their jobs even more difficult. They were nearly powerless, but the dragonoids were not.

The dragonoids had amazing precision and they could simply snap their jaws and swallow a Soul Eater to destroy one. However there were still only five dragonoids, and thousands of Soul Eaters left.

“Valoth!” Valkyrie cried.

The Shadow Gundam turned around, angered. Mika had brought dragons here, which meant he was now surrounded by enemies. They could turn on him at any time.

“Ah, Dragonguard. You have returned with the...dragons.” he said.

“Let go of him.” Valkyrie said ready to strike.

“Let go of who?”

“Omicron.” Mika growled as Ragnarok approached.

“Omicron is gone. There is nothing to let go of.”

Ryukai responded. “Your game is over. We just talked with Omicron...we know he still exists. You are preventing him from doing so though. So either you let go of this world, or we will sever you from it.”

“Very well then.” Valoth said quietly. Mephisto rushed forward and unleashed a saber made of pure doom energy from his arm. He slashed at Valkyrie, and split the Dragonguard in half.

Mika screamed as she dissolved and reformed behind Valoth. Valkyrie unleashed the feathers of its wings of light which swarmed around Mephisto and cut into it. While Valoth was being torn apart, Ryukai moved in front of him.

He grabbed the DG Buster Rifles stored in his legs and fired at Mephisto from point blank range. The shadows were ripped apart, and Valoth screamed in pain.

“You fools...” Valoth managed to say as his body exploded in a blast of red doom energy. The Dragonguard were thrown back as the doom energy reformed. Mephisto was now different. He was barely made of shadow anymore...the shadows only held the pieces of his crystallized doom body together.

“It looks like our plan is working.” Ryukai said.

“But it isn’t enough. We need help.” Mika said. “Alliance Gundams!” she cried out.

The Archons and SIN made their way to the Dragonguard, who were dodging attacks from Mephisto. They arrived quickly and swiftly. Mephisto immediately attacked them, but they skillfully dodged.

“Valoth turned on this?” the pilot SIN asked.

“Yes. We need to defeat him.” she said quickly, whilst dodging his repeated doom energy attacks. “So we need your help. All Alliance Gundams sync with your suits.”

“How?” SIN asked. “I am paired with Sentinel...Omicron...and he is gone.”

“Valoth is Omicron. Do as I say.” Mika yelled.

The Archons attached to Valkyrie and Ragnarok, while SIN activated his system and manually targeted Valoth.

“Now!” Ryukai yelled. As SIN’s cables went to attach to Valoth, the Archons fired a controlled beam of light. Mephisto screamed as he was ripped apart, and SIN began to drain his energies. A light emerged which then merged with SIN. Mephisto was now gone, and SIN had absorbed Omicron. Or...what was left of him.

The pilot turned around and saw fragments of crystallized light floating behind him. “Shattered...” said an odd voice as the crystals fell and their glow dimmed.

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