Friday, December 4, 2009

S2, Chapter 12: Alliance Gundams

Chapter 12: Alliance Gundams

“Archon 117 active.” reported the pilot of the Gundam.

“Archon 234 active.” reported the pilot of the second Gundam. “Beginning synchronization of the Twin Gundams.”

The Twin Gundams were the first man made Gundams. Manufactured in Arthuria, and piloted by Arthurian twins. Today was the day of their first mission: to aid Ragnarok in the battle against the Soul Eaters.

“Synchronization complete.” reported the pilot of 117. “Ready to go, Vera?”

“Ready.” responded Vera, the pilot of 234. The Twin Gundams took off from the Arthurian military outpost and flew towards Necryptos. Just outside of this planet, on the opposite side, was a battle that would decide the fate of the universe.

Vero, pilot of 117 was excited both to test out the Gundam and for the battle. After the Shadowscythe War ended, he didn’t think an opportunity like this would come around again. Fortunately for him, it had.

Vera on the other hand was not so excited. The Soul Eaters were like any other enemy inside a ship or a mech, but if a single one of them escaped the battle, it could be the end of the world. She did not buckle under pressure, but this was more than pressure. This was such an insane task, it almost felt like a decision. Do I fail or do I succeed?

“We should establish communications with SIN.” Vera suggested.

“No need.” said a voice. The SIN Gundam, developed on Basis (a planet of humans and zargonians) was the last of the Alliance Gundams. “Ready for war?” asked the pilot.

The Gundams had now reached Necryptos and the scene of the fight. There they saw an entire army being fought by beams of light and shadow. They all knew the situation was dire, but this was insane. Five Gundams against an entire army.

“Glad to see help has arrived.” Ragnarok said.

“Its an honor to be your support unit.” Vera said, hardly believing she was about to fight alongside one of the Dragonguard.

“Support unit?” Ragnarok asked.

“Don’t get me wrong..I’m more than that, but each AG was designed to pair with a Dragonguard Gundam.”

This was the first Ryukai had heard of this, and even in the intense battle he managed to laugh at it. How could they even design a support unit for a Gundam made of pure light?

“We have no time for talking.” Valoth said to all of them. “The EbilCorp army is pushing forward.”

As Valoth said this, almost on cue, an Ebil Paladin ship headed directly for Archon 117. The Gundam however was not caught off guard, and it “side-stepped” and then cut the ship in half with its AG Short Sword.

As more ships approached, it aimed its AG Fangs at them and within moments, the specially designed Fangs latched onto the ships and exploded. Archon 117 then moved forward.

Archon 234 took a similar approach to its Twin, and panels on its forearms flipped to reveal missiles that shot forward and destroyed more Ebil Paladins. “Want to test out the synchronization system, Ryukai?” Vera asked.

“I’m not quite sure how it works...” he responded.

“Don’t worry. You won’t need to do a thing!” Vera said smiling. She initiated the system and a beacon appeared on its visor. Ragnarok emitted tendrils of light which then attached to Archon 234.

“Initiating Dragonguard Overdrive!” Vera announced as she diverted power to the AG Cross Guns. The guns emitted beams of light so strong and powerful, everyone was blinded. The light reached the center of the fleet and then exploded in a wave-like form. The waves came into contact with every ship and then dissipated. All the ships stopped moving. The fleet was now motionless. They had been rendered immobile.

“Sorry Ryukai...I didn’t charge properly. I wasted a use of the system...”

“Wasted?.” Ryukai asked shocked. “The ships won’t be able to advance now. I’d say that was a success.” he said wondering about the true power of this “system.” It was capable of rendering an entire fleet immobile, and yet that was not its true function?

“This certainly makes our job easier.” the pilot of SIN said with a smirk. “Now it is time for me to display the true power of SIN!”

Two Extendable Swords emerged and SIN moved forward slicing the ships while burning others with its Eye Beams. SIN’s pilot continued to show off as it switched to its Beam Whips. Shortly afterwards it latched onto a larger ship and extended its other arms. They clawed at the ship while he smashed it with SIN’s Great Axe.

Vero took this as a challenge. Archon 117 activated its Knuckle Dusters and solid blades emerged from them. The Gundam diverted power to its thrusters and rocketed forward at full speed slicing the sides of a thousand ships within seconds.

Valoth was impressed by the Alliance Gundams, but did not think of them as true Gundams. They were mobile suits. They hardly possessed enough power to be considered a Gundam. Even if they did run on CDB.

Together SIN, Archons 117 and 234, Mephisto II, and Ragnarok destroyed the entire army within an hour. Where before there had been a gigantic force, there was nothing but scrap parts floating in space. As they patrolled the area they noticed a small capsule.

“How idiotic of you.” spoke a voice. Kabroz appeared on the monitors of all the Gundams. “While you battled the army, I gathered all the Soul Eaters here...”

Before they could respond the capsule exploded and a beam of blue light shot forth, past Necryptos and toward Alliance Territory.

“My Soul Eaters shall devour you all!” Kabroz said laughing as he emerged from the capsule. In a flicker he disappeared from their monitors and from their view.

“Kabroz escaped?” Ragnarok said stunned. “But that is impossible...”

“It doesn’t matter. If we don’t leave now, the Soul Eaters will destroy us all.” said SIN’s pilot in a calm voice.

Everyone looked at the beam of “blue light”. The Soul Eaters were nearly out of view. From behind them a massive amount of energy began to gather.

“Help has arrived.” Ragnarok said sensing it.

A large orb of light appeared behind them. The orb grew in intensity and lit up the region. It continued to grow, past the size of a Gundam, then to the size of a moon. The light imploded and the resulting explosion opened a portal.

Beyond the portal was an army of draconic ships. “Help has arrived.” announced a female voice.

“Mika?” Ragnarok said shocked.

“Yes. I went and got some help.” she said smiling. “Even more help than it first appears...”

Before Ryukai could ask a question, five large metallic beings emerged. Five dragonoids.

“It is time to finish this.” one of the dragonoids announced. “Now is our chance to defeat the Soul Eaters once and for all.

Next Week...Shattered. The fight continues and a lost friend calls out for help.

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