Friday, November 27, 2009

S2 Chapter 11: Doom, Part 2

Ryukai watched in awe as the red-shadow energy punctured the earth. Bolts of red lightning flew downwards and the entire planet began to shake. He entered Ragnarok mode and began to leave the planet.

As he looked down he saw wisps of shadow emerging from the ground. Suddenly the ground began to explode and dark energy unlike anything he had ever seen poured out.

By the time he had reached space he realized that the entire planet had become shadow. There was a large red center and Ragnarok looked upon a renewed enemy. Lord Valoth had become Mephisto again, but this time it was different.

The dark Gundam was crackling with red energy and large red crystal spikes emerged from its joints. Ragnarok identified this as Crystallized Doom.

Mephisto II left the former planet and from the darkness Shadowscythe ships began to emerge. Ryukai was shocked as he saw the entire planet turn into an army of Shadowscythe.

He expected Mephisto II to attack, but instead he headed for the EbilCorp fleet. Ryukai sensed the army of Soul Eaters was aboard those ships. After the Mina incident he was now able to sense the Soul Eaters.

Mephisto II entered a rage and fired its beams of doom lightning upon the fleet. The ships were relatively unaffected, but Valoth was happy. This new Gundam’s power was amazing. The lightning attack was one of the weakest. It was time to test the resilience of EbilCorp against the true might of the Shadowscythe.

From his hands came large claws of crystallized doom. The Shadow Gundam flew forward and landed atop one of the ships. Mephisto pulled its fists back and then slammed its claws into the hull of the ship. A weak energy barrier initiated, but after a few seconds it was crushed under the might of the doom energy. Valoth ripped open the ship and entered it. Within a few moments he emerged as the ship exploded.

“Ryukai, are you there?” said a voice over the Gundam’s communication channel.

“Warlic is that you? You escaped Necryptos?” he asked feeling guilty for forgetting them momentarily.

“Yes. The Dark Lady used her power to create a transport for us. We are headed back to Loreon to gather their military.”

“It doesn’t look like that will be necessary. Valoth is destroying them easily...and the Shadowscythe armada has just begun to fight.”

“The Soul Eaters have been cloned. EbilCorp has the ability to produce as many as they want. I can assure you that more will arrive. We will have to hold them back while the Shadowscythe pursue them.” Warlic advised. “To help, we are sending in the three Experimental Gundams.”

“Experimental Gundams?” Ryukai asked. This was the first he had heard of this.

“We began development on Arthuria and Basis. Twin Gundams and a Hybrid Gundam. They are still Experimental...but they can surely help.”

“Thank you Warlic.” Ryukai said as he ended communication and turned to the fight. In the distance there was a bright flash and more EbilCorp ships arrived. These ones were smaller, sleeker, and faster but still of a large size. Ryukai watched blue orbs move from the existing ships to the others.

“The Soul Eaters are floating through space?” Ryukai said amazed. This enemy was very powerful.

Then an amazing sight ocurred. A blast of an odd energy was fired from all of the new ships which annihilated the Shadowscythe army. Every last ship was destroyed in an instant.
“Behold the might of the Ebil Paladin series of ships.” Kabroz announced. He smiled as he watched Mephisto II stop moving. He could only guess the shock he was in. How foolish his brother had been. The Ebil Paladin technology was already developed and this alone could have secured their place during the war.

“Perhaps I should let my brother back in.” Kabroz said to a Maria unit.

“Did he not cause a war to break out between Shadowscythe and Galactic Conglomerate?” Maria asked.

“He did. But now we have weapons that can destroy the Shadowscythe with a single hit. There is no war. Our victory is assured.”

“I see. But I need to ask. Sir, why was the Shadow Gundam not destroyed?”

“That Gundam is made of pure doom energy...we could destroy it, but I’d rather watch him suffer. Lord Valoth caused a lot of trouble for EbilCorp...or so I hear.”

Maria nodded. “That is correct, he did.”

“Meh, its best not to let him back in. He almost did cause a is better he suffers. Just as Valoth, the Dragonguard, and everything else in this world will. Even the Soul Eaters will suffer.” Kabroz announced with a sinister smile upon his face.

Meanwhile outside of the Necryptos Station, Mephisto continued to fight. Even with the loss of his entire army. The energy blasts from the Ebil Paladins were easily dodged and he was able to quickly retaliate with this shadow cannons. Surprisingly the ships were incredibly weak. a single shot could bring one down.

The battle seemed like it would be impossible to win, but Valoth only needed time. And being an immortal being, time was on his side. He would fight the Soul Eaters and EbilCorp to the end of time if need be. Then he would go on to claim the world for himself. Valoth smiled at the thought of returning to the original plan.

From behind him came several blasts of light. Ragnarok had joined him.

"There you are Ryukai. I was worried you would have been destroyed in Necrytpos' transformation." Valoth said taunting Ryukai.

"You can't destroy me that easily." Ryukai said angrily. The thought of fighting with Valoth hurt him, but he realized now was not the time to let his emotions get in the way of his actions. If they did not win here, the Soul Eater army would advance upon the Galactic Alliance.

Next Time...Alliance Gundams. The new experimental Gundams arrive at the Shadowscythe-Soul Eater war. While this happens Warlic and his group will arrive back at Loreon to speak with Odessa.

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