Sunday, November 1, 2009

S2 Chapter 6: The Dark Planet

“What is he doing here?” Admiral Starbuck asked as he looked at Mr. Z who was standing next to Odessa. The group was gathered and the Dragonguard had entered a humanoid form.

“Mr. Z is in trouble, he no longer has control over EbilCorp. He has been shunned from a greater organization called the Galactic Conglomerate and now he needs our help.”

“You can’t let him stay here!” Mika cried out with hate.

“I am harmless now.” Zorbak defended. “What can I do?”

“Lie.” Ryukai said refusing to look at Mr. Z. “You can still lie, and you may be lying to us all right now.”

“I have come with information to prove I am trustworthy. Before I came here, I had one of my associates find Warlic and Maria-5. They have unleashed something terrible upon the world.”

Everyone was silent. Ryukai and Mika still did not trust Mr. Z though and payed great attention to what he was saying. They began to search for any sign that he was lying. “My associate tells me they were inside the Draconic Archives where they unleashed an ancient being called a Soul Eater.”

“A Soul Eater?” Omicron asked recalling a tale from his Ancient Legends course at GEARS. “Weren’t they just myths?”

“Unfortunately not. Long ago the dragons defeated them, but now one has escaped and I can only imagine the damage it has caused. We need to head to Lagos and see what damage they have caused.”

“I still don’t trust you.” Mika said skeptical. “A Soul Eater would be a very convenient excuse to have us leave Loreon and this solar system.”

“It would be.” said a voice from behind them. Everyone turned around to see Warlic and Maria-5 with grave expressions on their faces. Warlic continued on, “But I am afraid Zorbak is correct.”

“Warlic...Maria...” Odessa said stunned.

“We don’t have time for this, but Lagos has been lost. We had to...contain the infection.” she said. “But some of them escaped to the nearby planet of Necryptos. We have to go now if we want to stop them.”

“Admiral Starbuck, take the Carrier of Hope and go with the Dragonguard to stop this.” Odessa ordered.

“Only one ship?” Starbuck asked.

“Yes, if these Soul Eaters are real...we can’t risk bringing along careless soldiers. It is best to keep a small team.”

Starbuck nodded and he departed with Warlic, Maria, and the Dragonguard. Lisa remained in the palace with Mark, Odessa, and Zorbak. The Carrier of Hope was prepared and took off approximately an hour later.

The ship travelled to Necryptos, a planet that was covered with scattered clouds of red fog and large mountains, forests, and deserts. Warlic instructed the ship to land near a large human settlement called Lyceum.

The group disembarked the ship and found the town was relatively empty except for a young girl standing near a broken fountain.

“Excuse me, are you okay?” Starbuck asked approaching her.

“ aren’t from here...have you come to help?” she asked frightened.

“Yes we are. What happened to everyone?”

“The ones that remain are locked within their houses.” she said trembling. “Something has been killing the citizens of Lyceum...something other than vampires.”

“Vampires?” Starbuck asked confused.

“Yes,” Warlic replied. “Before the Galactic Alliance had humans settle here, Necryptos was primarily inhabited by vampiric beings.”

“That’s right. But like I said...these aren’t vampires, in fact...we only have one vampire left...and if he dies..” she began to cry.

“We won’t let that happen.” Mika said stepping forward ferociously. “We won’t let anything happen to Lyceum.”

“” she managed to say. “We have a small inn down that path if you need a place to stay.”

“We will be fine in our starship.” Ryukai said distrusting the young girl. There was something very suspicious about her.

“Where did your ship go? I saw it approach...but where is it now?” she asked.

The group turned around and looked into the forest. Where there ship had once been, it was no longer.

“I’m getting a really bad feeling now...” Ryukai said shocked. “I’m going out to go investigate.” In a bright flash of light Ryukai jumped upwards and morphed into the Ragnarok Gundam.

“What....was that?” Mina said amazed.

“We aren’t entirely sure.” Omicron said laughing. “It is a long story, and it looks like we will have time to tell it...”

Mina escorted the group into the inn where they saw an old man sitting at a table in the corner. “That is Han Velsing.” Mina explained. “He is the last Vampire Hunter we have.”

Omicron left the group and approached the man. “Aren’t you a bit old to be a Vampire Hunter?”

“That’s an awfully rude way to start a conversation.”

“I’m sorry but I need to know about the other Vampire Hunters who were killed. They were younger, yes?”

“They were. Who are you?”

“My name is Omicron and I am here to stop a being called a Soul Eater.”

“Like the ones of legend?” he asked interested.

“Yes. But they are much different..they are smarter than I thought. Don’t you think it is a little strange all the other Vampire Hunters were killed before you?”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“The Soul Eater seems to have a plan. You were chosen last to be killed because you are the weakest of Vampire Hunters, aren’t you? It picked off the strongest ones first.”

“I suspected the same thing. The first to die were the mayor and the town council...then the Vampire Hunters, starting with our best...and I suspect ending with me.”

Omicron was now concerned. Both because he was able to see this so quickly and because what was happening here was very sinister. If this was the work of one Soul Eater, what would a group of them accomplish?

Omicron looked at Han Velsing and began to wonder about himself. Who was this Omicron? What was he doing here? Instantly these thoughts cleared from his head and he realized he had just read this man’s mind.

Next Time in Gundam: Shadow....Vampires. With a Soul Eater on the loose in a town plagued by vampires, the future does not look bright. The situation on Necryptos worsens as the Dragonguard meet the vampires.

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