Friday, November 6, 2009

S2 Chapter 9: The Enemy of My Enemy

Chapter 9: The Enemy of My Enemy

Valkyrie and Ragnarok chased after The Carrier of Hope. The ship sped away from the planet as the two Gundams fired upon it. Ragnarok launched fangs into the engine causing it to explode. The ship fell towards the surface of Necryptos.

As they were about to turn around Valkyrie noticed a small fighter ship was continuing upwards. “There she is!”

The two Gundams followed the ship out of Necryptos’ atmosphere and found a large ship awaiting it. The fighter ship escaped inside. “What kind of a ship is this?” Ragnorak asked.

“It’s not a’s an EbilCorp station.” Valkyrie said angrily.

The two Gundams returned to Necryptos defeated. Upon arriving back in Lyceum they found Omicron in Sentinel form.

“Ryukai...Mika...where did she escape to?” he asked worried.

“EbilCorp.” Mika answered.

Sentinel paused for a moment before speaking. “This is bad...very bad...”

“Why, what happened when we left?” Ryukai asked feeling Omicron’s fear.

“The Dark Lady told us about a war that is coming, and showed us our new ally.” Sentinel rose into the air to reveal Lord Valoth. The Shadowscythe leader looked just as he did before he was destroyed during the Mephisto Incident.

“Hello has been a long time, hasn’t it?”

Inside the EbilCorp station, Mina docked and exited the ship. She was met by a small yellow moglin. “Please, sir you have to help me!” she pleaded.

“Good try, Soul Eater.” the moglin answered. “Don’t worry we don’t want to fight you...we want you to join us.”

“What is it that you seek?” Mina said with a change of attitude, as it appeared to anyone who did not know what she was.

“We want to replicate you....we want to create an army. My name is Kabroz, leader of EbilCorp and Necro Industries.” he said smiling.

“Why would a being with a soul want to create more Soul Eaters?”

“We will need an unstoppable army for the future. Something that can defeat the Shadowscythe...and the dragons.”

“Our ancient enemy...” the Soul Eater said. “How would you know about this?”

Kabroz smiled widely. “The Galactic Conglomerate spans many worlds...we have a lot of information on a lot of things.”

The Soul Eater looked at Kabroz. “Fine.”

Kabroz directed the Soul Eater to the replication chamber. Mina sat in a small chair and the chamber was sealed off. Through the window Mina watched Kabroz smile.

The chair shot a burst of electricity through Mina causing the Soul Eater to jump out of the body which immediately died. The blue orb of energy was then shot by beams from all corners of the room. The process put the Soul Eater through great agony and it could not tell what was happening.

After what seemed like an eternity the Soul Eater found the room was filled with hundreds of other Soul Eaters. Kabroz opened a hidden door and they all moved through. Inside a large room they found a crowd of what seemed to be prisoners.

Every Soul Eater found a host. They fed on the souls of the prisoners and took over their bodies. The army of Soul Eaters were greeted by Kabroz. “The time for war is near.”

Back on Necryptos, Valkyrie and Ragnarok leapt forward to strike at Valoth. Sentinel moved forward and blocked them. He created a large shield of light around Valoth and the other Gundams became angry.

“Why are you protecting him?!” Mika screamed.

“Trust me, I don’t want to...but we need him to stop the Soul Eaters.”

“And why is that?” Ryukai said angrily.

“Because I am a being of pure shadow.” Valoth said smiling. “I have no soul and I am capable of creating an army of soulless beings, which is exactly what you need right now.”

Mika groaned and then flew away. She was as angry as she could possibly be. They were about to allow the Shadowscythe to return to this world. That was something she refused to accept. So she flew away from Necryptos and headed for Essence, the planet-like construct that housed the Draconic Empire.

Sentinel and Ragnorak remained facing each other. “We can’t do this...” he warned.

“Trust wasn’t an easy decision, but the Dark Lady has told us that EbilCorp is producing a Soul Eater army. They can create as many as they will a world of beings with souls fight that?”

“The Dragons did...” Ryukai said.

Sentinel turned and faced Valoth. “No they didn’t...they only trapped them. And now they have returned because they failed to destroy them.”

“Warlic and Maria told us they defeated an entire planet full of them!” Ryukai argued.

“But they never told you what they had to do...they told me while you two left. The planet was destroyed. They destroyed Lagos to prevent the Soul Eaters from spreading...and they failed.”

Ryukai landed and reverted to a human form. “Omicron, there has to be another way.”

“There isn’t.” Valoth said smiling.

“Haven’t you listened to anything I have said?” he said with Omicron simultaneously.

Ryukai stepped back. “ you can’t be...”

“Did you really think the Dragonguard could defeat me so easily?” they spoke. “None can destroy me and the power I possess.” Sentinel turned a dark black and exploded into shadows which Valoth then absorbed.

“This whole time?” Ryukai asked in disbelief. “You were him...this entire time?”

“Oh the battle was true. But during the process where you ‘destroyed’ me, there was a great deal of energy transfer. And my energy was transferred into the weakest of you all.”

Ryukai looked upon the Shadowscythe leader. He simply smiled and continued on. “I was truthful...I will defeat the Soul Eaters. But I will also destroy all of you in the process. And with the power of Necrytpos, none can stop me.” he said laughing as he melted into a large pool of shadow. The red energy that protruded from him turned into a crimson lightning which grabbed onto the pool of dark energy. Red orbs were formed that held the dark liquid and they dispersed themselves across the planet.

Ryukai did not know what was happening...but he had a feeling Valoth was about to do something to the planet itself. “With the power of Necryptos...” echoed in his mind as his heart pounded. Was there no light to be found on this planet?

Next Chapter.....Doom. The Necryptos Saga is going to end, but not before Lord Valoth's story is explored. The coming events will be shaped by the story of what happened to Valoth after the Mephisto Incident.

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