Tuesday, November 10, 2009

S2 Chapter 10: Doom, Part 1


Valoth stared at the Master. The being that was the collection of all shadow energy of all worlds. His form was so massive, Valoth could not tell what it was...or how big it was. All that was clear was the darkness.

“Lord Valoth...you have been destroyed the Dragonguard.”

“Master...” Valoth said in a low voice.

“You have failed to eradicate the dragons. You have failed to take over that world...”

“Progress was hindered by the dragons. After their defeat ten thousand years ago...we were forced to rebuild. The dragons left behind many weapons that still plagued us. We did not until recently finish them off...”

“Or so you thought. The Dragonguard Gundams, Greatest of their Weapons still remained.” said the voice in a low growl of anger. Valoth felt fear.

“They were gone...a dragonoid was concealing them as he evaded us...until he found the humans.”

“And even then they were not in the hands of true pilots, those that could handle the Light. You failed against them twice in my eyes.”


“And then you let them enter the hands of the true pilots. Then you lost for a third time...and now you are defeated on your fourth battle. Now you are truly destroyed. Even here you are not whole. You are Scarred and I can not heal you.” the voice of shadow spoke coldly.

“Master, I can still defeat them.”

“Do as you wish. You are no longer part of my army...you are no longer Shadowscythe. And while the elements of Doom can not be erased from you, it will be severely limited. Go now Scarred one, leave my sight!”

With that last roar Valoth felt himself pushed out of the darkness. The world around him blurred and he felt like he was being thrown out of existence. The speed of the forces around him were incredible.

Valoth then opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by Light. However it did not burn...around him the memories of the other Dragonguard floated. Scatterd they cried out for each other...he felt the calls to Omicron and he knew something had occurred...he was changed...more than Scarred.


Valoth opened his eyes. His strength was returning...well, Omicron’s strength. He could now peer into the world again and he spied upon Loreon. It only lasted a few minutes but he was able to gather enough information.

The Queenadent was Odessa and a Galactic Alliance had formed with EbilCorp and Zargon. Negotiations had begun to take control of Gark and to colonize a planet they named Basis.

Valoth laughed in his mind. They were attempting to unite now that the shadow was gone? How pathetic of them. Then his mind burned. He was the pathetic one..defeated by them when they were nothing. They were merely three tools of the Dragons. That was all that defined the human army. Valoth had failed against a force as small as that.


Valoth was now strong enough to look into the world for all of eternity. This strength allowed him to watch anything and he soon discovered he could act. His strength was only small enough to push over a coffee mug or interfere with lights...but he knew it would only grow from there.

By now he had seen the Galactic Alliance take control of the galaxy and were now contacting the Arthurian Empire. Valoth was ashamed at the fact he knew nothing of the Arthurians. They were a vast empire, yet they were shielded unintentionally by the Dragonguard. The humans were not all that remained in the world.


Valoth’s power was so great now that he was able to manifest within the world. And even then his power only grew more as he adapted to life in it once again. Gathering his dark energy he became whole and although he was only the size of a human and had a shadowy shape...he was now fully in the world.

Valoth began to walk towards GEARS University to begin his revenge. “Going somewhere?” asked the voice of a man.

Valoth turned to see Omicron watching him. Omicron appeared as the opposite and had a definite shape comprised of pure light. “You...you are one of the Dragonguard who destroyed me. It appears you failed.” he said laughing.

“Have I really failed? Why don’t you recall our battle?” Omicron said smiling. To Valoth’s surprise, and the citizens of Lore’s surprise, Mephisto emerged above the waters GEARS hovered above. As it prepared to fire on GEARS, three bolts of light appeared and together they drove back the darkness.

The citizens entered a panic not realizing what had just happened was merely an illusion. At this time Omicron began to fade as he moved his form to Starbuck and Lisa and instructed them of what to do next. Valoth took this opportunity to move forward and attack Omicron.

Grabbing him, his shadows began to move in to the half-filled Omicron. By the time Omicron’s consciousness returned to his body it was too late. Valoth had taken control...and now Omicron’s mental presence weakened.

Valoth smiled. He was now Omicron which he could use to his advantage. “Now that I am whole, it is time to restore my power.” he said pleased with himself. “I’ll need a large source of Doom energy...” He stood there, away from the sight of the humans and thought. Then he realized the closest and largest source of Doom energy.


Next Time in Gundam: Shadow...Doom, Part 2! With Valoth's story resolved it is now time for him to complete his goal. Valoth is ready to regain his power, destroy the Soul Eater army, and control the world. Even if he did not prove anything to the Master...his original goal and mission would be accomplished. Control of the universe.

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