Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Turkageddon Chapter (Special Holiday Chapter)

Inside an EbilCorp Station not far from Loreon...

"Are we ready to begin the experiment?" said the lab assistant.

The lab technician turned to him and nodded. "Our Soul Eater Super Soldier project is now ready to be initiated. But first, we shall test it out on a single Soul Eater."

Inside of a cylindrical device in front of them was a blue orb. The scientist smiled at it. EbilCorp's technology was so developed now that they could transform a small blue orb into a gigantic super soldier.

"Input the code now, assistant." ordered the lab technician.

The assistant stepped forward. This experiment was exciting, but he was looking forward to the day off tomorrow. It was one of the few holidays that EbilCorp employees got off, Thankstaking. As he entered the code he thought of the feast and accidentally changed the code from Armaggedon to Turkageddon.

The command console was for a shape shifter machine that worked on an idea, a thought. The "thought" or access code of Armageddon would have allowed the Soul Eater to become a Super Soldier, but the altered code of "Turkageddon" had an entirely different result.

The small blue orb turned a dark brown and large sharp feathers emerged. They broke the tube and the brown orb was now a puddle of brownish goo that quickly took shape. Feathers sprouted from it and it turned into a gigantic turkey.

"What has happened?" the lab technician asked shocked.

"Turkageddon." replied the turkey. It lunged forward and bit both employees. In a matter of moments they too were turkeys. An army was soon formed as they moved throughout the station. An entire EbilCorp station of turkey super soldiers.

"Now..we move on to Loreon!" proclaimed the original, the leader.

The others gobbled and flipped about in happiness. They all climbed into experimental mecha which were also infected and changed to look like them. The "thought" process that created the turkeys had caused their thoughts to alter the world around them.

By the time the army mobilized, the EbilCorp station was now a gigantic metallic turkey. The army headed for Loreon but soon all their ships experienced power failure. They could not understand what was happening. then on their monitors appeared a man with a paper bag for a head.

"Wow the holidays really are fun! I could definitely use an army of evil turkeys in turkey mecha with a turkey mothership..."

And with a simple thought, the army and Korin disappeared.

Happy Turkageddon!

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