Monday, November 2, 2009

S2 Chapter 8: The Dark Lady

The Dragonguard paused staring at the vampire mobile suit. They knew they could not win with their current tactics and they knew the same thing applied to it. Suddenly the mobile suit turned and began to flee. Valkyrie, Sentinel, and Ragnarok took chase and followed it as it moved towards the mountains.

As the Dragonguard chased, Lord Dimitri on the ground stood in front of Starbuck, Maria, and a now normal Warlic. Warlic was calming down and ashamed he spoke, “Lord Dimitri. We came here peacefully...I didn’t mean to...”

“I understand Demon. We have been expecting your arrival, however we never expected the Lights of the Apocalypse too.” he said in deep thought.

“Please, we would like to talk to you about the Soul Eater.”

Dimitri immediately became concerned. “It is here?”

“Yes...we came to ask for your help...”

“This is a very important matter. It is time for another meeting with the Dark Lady...” he said half to himself. “All of you come with me.”

The Vampire Lord led the group through the forest towards the mountains. After much walking they arrived at a large castle sitting in the mountains. Above it the Dragonguard floated.

“Are you sure we can trust him?” Starbuck asked Maria.

Maria looked at him. “You chose now to ask this?”

“Well they are rushing now...and a bit farther ahead. I didn’t want him to overhear us.”

“I think it is safe. You saw his reaction when Warlic mentioned the Soul Eater.” Maria said not as confident as she sounded. This whole mission to Necryptos had been nothing but a disaster.

Maria and Starbuck reached the castle gates where they found the Dragonguard back in human form and everyone was standing before Lord Dimitri. “Inside this castle...which we of the Dark Guardian clan have not entered for hundreds of years...lies the Dark Lady. She is one of the gods of Necryptos and is the only one that can stop the Soul Eater.”

“There are other ways...” Maria said. “We have destroyed Soul Eaters before.”

Dimitri smiled. “Necryptos isn’t like other worlds. If you aren’t careful you will find a veil of darkness has been pulled over your eyes. Only the Dark Lady can provide us with the truth.”

The group grew more suspicious but they followed Dimitri inside where they found an odd sight. Upon a throne of darkness, a woman sat clothed in black robes. They looked upon her and saw Nurse Helia of GEARS. The only difference was the pure black hair.

Slowly she began to wake. In a light voice she asked, “Dimitri, what has happened?”

Bowing down he replied, “A Soul Eater has arrived.”

“Oh my...” she said concerned. Dimitri looked up and saw her looking behind him at Warlic. “Warlic....are you truly here?”

“You can’t be...”

She smiled and laughed. “No I am not my sister Helia...we are very different. She gave her godly abilities to me, and left for that small planet that the dragons favored so much.”

“You know me?” he asked.

“Of course. The dragons came here once and asked me to contribute to their ultimate project. Your dark thoughts and abilities...I am responsible for them. I knew you would make your way back here...which is why I wrote about you as the Demon.”

Dimitri was shocked. “You always knew? These prophecies were from your personal experiences?”

She smiled. “Yes. I also found out about the dragon’s other project...the Dragonguard. Being of pure light and associated with Warlic I knew they would come here. And their light would shine through the darkness, destroying it. The Lights of the Apocalypse.”

As Dimitri stood stunned the rest of the group became suspicious again. Mika spoke, “Dimitri told us that if we weren’t careful a veil of shadows would be pulled over our can we know that isn’t what you are doing?”

The Dark Lady laughed. “Because it has already happened. Back in Lyceum, you didn’t think starships just disappeared did you? You didn’t think mind reading would just happen out of nowhere...especially here, did you Omicron? That Han Velsing and Mina would just die suddenly by the Soul Eater, did you?”

Omicron looked down for a moment before drawing the conclusion the Dark Lady was hoping for. “Mina...she was the first person we met...the first person before all of that happened.”

Ryukai clenched his fists. “I knew something was wrong about her...”

Mika continued on. “If that is all what she made us see, then what was her goal? Why?”

The Dark Lady smiled. “Well you figured out this I will tell you the rest. She needed to draw suspicion away from herself. She was the Soul Eater all along. Well she was a normal person before it ate her soul...but now that is all she is.”

Ryukai punched the wall. “We are out here...we left Lyceum. And now she can strike at all those innocent people.”

Mika ran outside and entered Valkyrie form. Flying towards Lyceum she had one goal. To exterminate the Soul Eater and take revenge for what it did to Mina. Not long after she left did she notice the other Dragonguard following her.

As they returned to Lyceum they returned to human form. They saw their ship, no dead bodies in the inn, and Mina was gone. They searched Lyceum but could not find Mina. They turned towards each other.

“She must have moved into another body.” Mika said quickly.

“But why would she do that? She wouldn’t know we were coming...and everyone in town is fine.” Omicron added.

Ryukai turned towards the ship. “Or maybe...she is trying to leave the planet.”

Next Chapter(9): The Enemy of My Enemy...They had hoped to stop this before it began. Unfortunately, Necryptos had other plans. And it still does. From this dark planet will rise a conflict of immense size.

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