Friday, December 25, 2009

S2 Finale (Chapter 15 and 16)

Chapter 15: Change


Kabroz’s escape shuttle crashed into the forests of Loreon. This was not as close as he would have liked to be, but it was good enough. And while the fools fought the Soul Eaters in the skies, he would be here corrupting Loreon with his own private collection of Soul Eaters.

He grabbed the small capsules and placed them into the pocket of his suit. He smiled as he walked out of the shuttle and towards the Queenadent’s palace.

It did not take him long. The forest was right next to the palace. The security guards were too distracted with guarding the front entrance, that he was able to sneak in to one of the side buildings.

Kabroz took a small device out of his pocket and pressed a button. His genetic makeup began to change as he transformed himself into Zorbak. Kabroz’s intelligence had told him that Zorbak was being kept here under Odessa’s protection. This made his job a lot easier. Disguised as Zorbak he would not be suspected, until everything was too late.

“Queenadent.” he announced as he entered the throne room.

“Zorbak? What do you need? I am incredibly busy.” she said as she typed away on a holographic screen being projected from her throne.

“Oh not much...just control of Loreon.”

Odessa turned to face him as the device wore off and he transformed back into Kabroz. “Kabroz! How did you...”

The yellow moglin took a small device out of his pocket and crushed it in his hand. A blue wisp shot forth and phased into Odessa. “” she said as she was destroyed.

Odessa could no longer speak. Her thoughts were devoured as she sat motionless in the chair. “How could I have let this happen? How could I have been so foolish? Loreon is in danger because of my stupidity.”

Odessa wanted to cry, but her vision began to falter. She felt small and the life began to drain away from her. From the darkness came a light. A bright light that welcomed Odessa. She walked forward into the light feeling hope. Everything was going to be okay.

“Queenadent Odessa? Have you been destroyed yes?”

“Yes.” said the body. “We are in control now, Lord Kabroz.”

“Good. Mehehe.” he said laughing. “Now contact the others. Send out these other capsules to the leaders of the Galactic Alliance.”

Odessa took the capsules and nodded. “Soon we will have complete control.”

As Kabroz was ready to leave, Warlic and the Admiral entered.

“Kabroz!” Starbuck yelled as he took out his energy sword and prepared to fight.

“It is fine.” Odessa spoke. “Kabroz has given up and transferred control of EbilCorp and Necro Industries to the Alliance.”

“That may be...but he still unleashed an army of Soul Eaters upon the world.” Warlic noted.

“He will be tried for his crimes soon. Right now however, I have a very important mission for you two. There are reports that despite Valoth’s defeat...the Shadowscythe are returning.”

“What?” Starbuck said shocked. “That is impossible.”

“I need you to confirm whether this is true or not. The Carrier of Hope awaits you. This is urgent and I wish we had more time to discuss it...but please, go now.”

Once they had left, Kabroz smiled widely. “That was a very clever diversion.”

“We Soul Eaters absorb the characteristics of our hosts. Apparently Odessa was a very intelligent person.”

“How lucky for me.”

“Now for the finishing touch to this plan.” Odessa said smiling. She turned on the throne’s communication systems.

“Gundams, this is Queenadent Odessa. Can you hear me?”

Loreon Space

“I have a very important mission for you. I regret to inform you Warlic and Starbuck have been infected by the Soul Eaters. They have taken the Carrier of Hope and are trying to escape towards the Arthruian Empire. I need you to stop them.”

“Roger.” Mika said. “This day just keeps getting better and better...” she said angrily.

“If Warlic and Starbuck were lost...then they returned to Lore...” Ryukai thought. “Could an infection be spreading on the planet?”

“You are the only ones who could stop such a thing.” said the pilot of SIN. “Go to Loreon. We Alliance Gundams can take care of one ship.”

The Dragonguard listened and returned to the surface of the planet while the Alliance Gundams headed off towards the Carrier of Hope.

In moments the Dragonguard had arrived at Odessa’s palace and transformed back into human form. Mika and Ryukai stormed inside to speak with the Queenadent.

“Odessa. Excuse our crude intrusion.” Mika said.

“However we need to be here to ensure that the Soul Eaters haven’t spread amongst the populace of Soluna.”

“I can assure you it hasn’t.” Odessa spoke calmly. When she said this, Ryukai felt a sharp pain in his head and let out a small cry.

“Ryukai? Are you okay?” Mika asked concerned. Ryukai doubled over in pain.

“It’s her...she’ of them...” he said. “I can feel it.”

“Are you sure Ryukai? I don’t feel anything.” she said. “Perhaps you just need to lie down for a moment.”

“ me...she...she’s one of’s a trap...Warlic...Starbuck...aren’t infected...” he said while screaming.

Mika stepped back afraid of what was about to happen. She sensed abnormal fluctuations of light energy coming from Ryukai. Suddenly a tendril of light broke out of Ryukai’s back. He screamed in pain as it leapt forward and reached into Odessa.

The tendril phased into her and then phased out, ripping a small blue orb from her body. The body fell to the ground, dead and the blue orb struggled for a moment before the tendril crushed it.

Ryukai had recovered by that point. The tendril entered his body and he stood up quickly. “Mika! The Alliance Gundams are about to destroy Warlic and Starbuck!”

The two entered Gundam form and shot upwards towards the sky. Using all of their power they rocketed towards the Carrier of Hope only to find it destroyed.

“Noo!!” Mika cried out. “Kabroz you bastard! I’m going to kill you!” she screamed into space.

Ryukai felt the same anger, and the sharp pain returned. “Agh...he’ the palace....Kabroz...” he managed to say. Mika immediately turned towards the planet and flew downwards.

Mika plummeted downwards and crashed into the throne room. She returned to human form and dodged the falling debris from the ceiling as she ran through the castle searching for Kabroz.

She quickly found the moglin and extended a blade of light through his back. The blood of Kabroz spilled onto the floor. She turned him around and then pushed him backwards.

“The armageddon you planned for this world...that is what I am about to bring down upon you.” she said to the moglin who was howling in pain.

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