Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bonus Chapter: Happy Mogloween

The SDF Reliant approached the strange planet. From space they saw a large planet covered in yellow and black fog. The planet almost had a menacing face to it, and the odd thing was it appeared today.

"What do you make of this, Captain Korin?" asked one of the ensigns.

"It certainly is strange. An entire planet appearing from somewhere else....very interesting too." he said admiring it. Whatever tech had been used to do this had to be reclaimed for the Galactic Alliance. Korin thought of all the fun they could have with technology like that.

"The reports of the scan are in, sir." said another officer. "The planet is safe and hospitable."

"Even stranger." Captain Korin said smiling. "Let's go down then and investigate for ourselves."

The Reliant flew towards the planet and easily passed into the atmosphere with little resistance. After navigating through the dense yellow fog they found a very haunted looking land underneath. All the ground was black and trees were dead. There were no signs of life except for a small group of houses.

The ship landed and Captain Korin nearly jumped out of it to investigate the planet. The other offices tried to slow him down, but he made his way directly to the town and found next to a well a humanoid robot.

"A robot?" he said looking at it.

"Oh my! We have visitors?" the robot said pleasantly. "Welcome to Amity!"

"Why thank you." Korin responded smiling. "What is this planet?"

"We call it Mortis. And interestingly enough this is the first time we have ever met anyone as we moved into this dimension."

"How did you do that exactly?" he asked yearning for answers.

"This planet has been programmed to be sent here every year on this day."

"Programmed?" Korin asked. Perhaps they had a different definition for the word, because planets in this world were not programmable.

"Yes. It is mostly robotic now and this was done by Necro Industries a major corporation in our world."

"Interesting. So why are you world-hopping with this planet?"

"As I said only one day a year. The day known as Mogloween in our world."

"Mogloween? Please explain." Korin said addicted to this new information.

"Necro Industries was responsible for a slight chemical spill in our sector. This chemical is usually harmless but it was mutated by an extremely powerful energy source and it destroyed all life on this planet."

The robot continued. "It also caused the moglins of our world to transform into horrible beasts on this day every year. It was an odd turn of events, but it caused this robotic society and Mortis as you see it to emerge."

Korin smiled. "That is a very interesting tale. Thank you, Mr..." he began.

"Springenstein. Dr. Springenstein actually. I am the Mayor of Amity."

"Well thank you Dr. Springenstein. Do you mind if me and my crew explore your planet a bit?"

"Not at all. However you, Captain Korin, must stay here. Someone told me you would be coming and he would very much like to meet with you."

Korin was a bit surprised but followed the mayor into one of the houses. The mayor bowed and left and told Korin to proceed up the stairs. Climbing up them he found a man dressed casually and with a paper bag over his head awaiting him.

"Hello?" Captain Korin asked confused. This fellow here was quite odd, he thought to himself.

"Oh hi. You really shouldn't be here, Me."

"Me?" he asked.

"Yes, Me. You and I are the same person...well not yet. You will be me one day, but not today. Unfortunately your presence here is exactly how we were born. So you will have to stay here...until the end of the day when Mortis returns home."

Korin reached for his gun, but the paper bag smiled at him and chains erupted from the floorboards. Captain Korin was tied up and the paper bag being disappeared in a flash. Captain Korin screamed for help, but no one heard.

Hours later he awoke and found himself on the floor. Captain Korin walked down the stairs and opened the door to find himself in Amity. He ran to the mayor.

"Dr. Springenstein! What time is it?"

"Oh my. Captain Korin, you never left?"

"No...that person you brought me too tied me up. He claimed to be me." he said angrily at the doctor.

"I am very sorry. Oh I'm not." The head of the mayor exploded and a paper bag emerged. "Hi Me."

"What? How did you do that? Who are you?"

"I am you as I pointed out. And welcome to my world. I'll be keeping you here until time starts to move in my direction and we can merge."

Captain Korin tried to speak but Korin disappeared. Captain Korin looked around Amity but found no one. He wandered into the forest, but he always found himself back at the town. Over many years Captain Korin became insane and one day he was attacked by a rain of strange chemicals.

Captain Korin felt himself change as power flowed through him. His form changed and he became himself. "I guess I really am Me."

Friday, October 30, 2009

S2 Chapter 5: Duel

James, Lisa, Omicron, and Ryukai stood facing the Nightmares. The innocent child was held by the one in the middle.

“Slayer.” James uttered.

“Greetings Captain Starbuck.” Slayer said smiling. “Glad to see you have come.”

“Address me by my proper title, Admiral Starbuck. Now give me my son.” he demanded.

“I will if you agree to fight me, Admiral.” he taunted with emphasis on the word Admiral.

“Fine.” he said stepping forward. Instantaneously another Nightmare took the child and delivered it to its mother. Charon and Abyssal Flare melted into pure shadow and created a ring of shadow around Starbuck and Slayer.

“We have to do something!” Lisa said crying with joy that her baby wasn’t hurt. “We can’t let James fight this shadow creature alone.

Ryukai and Omicron looked at each other. “That may not be wise,” said Ryukai. “If we interfere they may harm you or your husband. There are three of them and two of us.”

“What about Mika?” Lisa asked hopefully.

“She is in Station 13, searching for ways to bring EbilCorp down.” Omicron said.

In Station 13, Mika was searching the research labs. She found many failed devices designed for mind control, destroying planets, and other sinister tasks. To be safe she destroyed them all.

She was about to turn back when she noticed the wall was a different color near the bookcase. Sliding it back she found a hidden door. She opened it and climbed downwards and found herself looking at three mobile suits. Upon further inspection she found they were more than mobile suits...they ran on CDB. They were Gundams.

“How dare they...” she thought to herself looking at them. These Gundams were clearly based off the Dragonguard Gundams. Mika searched for files on them angrily and came across a folder with all the info she needed. EbilCorp had collected data based on the performance of the Dragonguard to create these Gundams.

“Valkyrie, Sentinel, and Ragnarok.” she muttered to herself looking at each one. Ragnarok was based off of Swordmagi, Sentinel on Guardian Spirit, and Valkyrie for Phoenix. “I might as well take these while I have the chance.” she said smiling.

Climbing into Valkyrie, because she knew it was similar to Phoenix, she opened the hangar door behind her. Moving through a secret escape passage, she exited Station 13. Valkyrie flew towards Loreon and as she moved she felt weak.

At the edge of Loreon’s atmosphere, she became faint. She felt herself break apart into light which surrounded and infused Valkyrie. With a sudden burst of strength Mika found herself as one with Valkyrie.

“This really is a Gundam.” she said surprised. Wings sprouted from Valkyrie and she propelled forward towards a dark barrier. Mika immediately spotted one of the Nightmares fighting Starbuck. She raised her right arm and extended a DG Beam Saber and swept down slicing the Nightmare in half.

The other two Nightmares emerged from the barrier to face the Gundam, but were too slow. Valkyrie aimed at the two with its DG Vulcans and fired causing the Nightmares to flee.

“Mika...” said Omicron sensing her presence. “Where did you get that Gundam?”

“It was an EbilCorp Gundam...but it is no longer.” she said amazed. “I merged with it...and changed it. It is now Valkyrie, a Dragonguard Gundam.”

“You can’t trust EbilCorp tech.” Ryukai said confused. He knew Mika had an aversion to all things EbilCorp. This was completely against her character.

“ isn’t anymore. I can feel has completely changed. Like I said, I have merged with it.”

Mika went on to explain to them what she found. She told Omicron and Ryukai about the other Gundams, Sentinel and Ragnarok. Omicron took the news better than Ryukai.

“I still don’t trust it...” he said.

“It is working just like the Dragonguard did, Ryukai.” Omicron explained. “Mika wouldn’t have been able to merge with it if it wasn’t a true Gundam. You know that.”

“Still...” he said in a nervous tone. Omicron then realized why Ryukai was acting this way.

“You are scared.” he concluded. “Last time we merged with the original Dragonguard we were destroyed, and floated through hyperspace slowly regaining strength. You are scared that is going to happen again.”

Ryukai didn’t speak. Omicron continued on trying to assuage him. “That happened when we used all of our power to defeat Mephisto. We became pure light, and it had consequences like the dragonoid tried to warn us. As long as we don’t do that again we should be fine.”

“Perhaps but none of us know for sure.”

After a few more minutes of conversing about it, they both decided to claim the Gundams. Returning to Station 13 Omicron merged with Sentinel and Ryukai merged with Ragnarok. The feeling was amazing and he felt the power he had five years ago return. All doubt was cleansed from his mind.

All three of the new Dragonguard Gundams returned to Loreon and met with Lisa and James.

Admiral Starbuck smiled and laughed. “I feel like this has happened before.”

“Yeah well last time it didn’t end so well.” Ryukai said calmly. Now he was simply recognizing it as a fact. He was not nervous, and this felt strange to him. Why would merging with a machine make him feel this way? It was as if he did more than become the Gundam.

Lisa was talking on her cell phone. She put it back into her pocket and looked at the Gundams. “Odessa wants to speak with us. Apparently Mr. Z is in town.”

Next Time in Gundam: Shadow....A New Goal. The Dragonguard have been recreated and the world is dealing with the consequences of five years ago. A new enemy is about to arise that will give the heroes a new mission. The world may still be changing, but everyone must push forward against this new threat.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

S2 Chapter 4: New Management

Zorbak turned off the hologram and turned around. He was at the door leading into the Galactic Conglomerate HQ. Inside were the leaders of all the other corporations like EbilCorp. Each one spanned its respective universe. He prepared himself for the meeting and stepped inside.

As he entered he met face to face with the yellow moglin, his twin brother. “Zorbak, how goes things at EbilCorp?” he teased.

“ know everything is fine. Then again, you may have been too lazy to read my reports.”

“I think I run my company better than you run yours.” he retaliated.

“Really? Tell me how are things are at Necro Industries?” Zorbak said smiling.

“Actually quite well...until you decided to be an idiot and ruin everyone's businesses!” he yelled.

“Excuse me?” Zorbak asked confused.

Another moglin approached. This was Twig an orange moglin. “Yes, idiot. I can’t believe you made such a stupid it is ruined for everyone!”

“What did I do?” Zorbak said unsure.

In the back of the room a tall green moglin sat at the head of the table in front of the group. He banged his gavel on the table and all the moglins sat down around the table. The other moglins were was staring at Zorbak who was sitting opposite the leader of the Galactic Conglomerate.

“Zorbak, we have called this meeting to address you and your decision five years ago. You have caused a ripple effect which has placed us all in danger.” he said in a very serious and disappointed tone.

“I-” Zorbak began.

“Do NOT interrupt me.” the leader yelled. “Five years ago the Shadowscythe turned on EbilCorp and upon doing launched a full scale war against them. After this war the Shadowscythe were driven from your world. As word spread through Shadowscythe society their armies in our respective worlds became cautious and now under the decision of their Master they have declared inter-dimensional war upon the Galactic Conglomerate.”

“Oh.” he said absorbing this. “What are we going to do?”

The leader began to laugh. “There is no we anymore. We have all unanimously decided to vote you out of the Galactic Conglomerate. EbilCorp will be placed in more capable hands.”

“ can’t do this!” he yelled in shock.

“We can and we already have. Kabroz will now be in charge of both EbilCorp and Necro Industries. You have been completely removed from all Galactic Conglomerate affairs and your personal bank account and savings have been placed back into the Galactic Conglomerate banks."

Zorbak’s eye twitched. “ can’t be serious!”

“What part of inter-dimensional war with the Shadowscythe did you not understand?”

“This is insanity! Kabroz can’t run two corporations in two different worlds.”

“Actually, I can. Thanks to the hologram technology EbilCorp invented which you just used a few seconds ago. I can easily communicate with both worlds.” he said smiling.

Zorbak jumped out of his chair and ran out of the room. Returning to his ship he left immediately and headed for Station 13 hoping to get there before Kabroz could. If there was one thing he absolutely was his box.

“Maria-13, I need you to do something very important for me.” Mr. Z spoke frantically through the official EbilCorp communications channel.

“Of course, what is it?” she said responding to his desperate tone.

“Go into my private study and inside a drawer in my desk is a box. Find it and send it to Loreon. Any where on Loreon, even into the sea."

As she walked to the office she continued to speak with him. “What is wrong?”

“They are replacing me. Kabroz is going to be in charge now, and they have taken all of my money.”

“What did you do?” she asked as she arrived in the study and took the box.

“The war I started against the Shadowscythe...well now all companies affiliated with EbilCorp are under attack by them. An inter-dimensional war.”

“That is hardly your fault.” she said carrying out his instructions.

“That is what I thought. But unfortunately I didn’t get much of a say.”

“One last thing....”


“Contact Queenadent Odessa and tell her I’ll be needing a place to stay.”

A few hours later Mr. Z arrived at the Queenadent’s palace. “And that is why I am here.” he said in shame.

“That is quite a tragic story. However you were noble in helping us during the war, so we will be glad to help you.” Odessa said to him, feeling sorry. “Tell me does Kabroz know about the Galactic Alliance?”

“No, none of them do.”

“Good.” she said smiling. “I will remove EbilCorp from the Alliance. By doing this Kabroz will not have any say in our governments and he will not be able to get to you and will have limited power."

Odessa showed Zorbak to his quarters and a servant delivered the box he had asked for. “If you need anything else feel free to ask us.” she said still a bit uncomfortable. Overall this was working in favor of Loreon though which made her happy, however she was helping Mr. Z. Years ago they had worked closely with the Shadowscythe and caused much pain and strife. It even led to the death of her son, Sys-Zero.

Once Odessa was gone Zorbak took the box and spoke into it. “What do I do now?” he asked.

Echoes from the box responded, “Warlic and Maria have opened the gate. The Soul Eaters have been unleashed."

“Where are they exactly?”

“Inside the Draconic Archives. Warlic is exploring things he does not understand and Maria is broken. She has returned to the state you cleansed her from.”

“What? That is impossible!” he said. Maria-5 had a complete mind wipe. There was no way she would be able to remember anything.

“It is quite possible. The mind wiping process was sabotaged by the Nightmares. It was not a clean wipe...”

“Tell me what will happen. Based upon all my knowledge, where is the world headed?”

“This world and many others are in danger. The Soul Eaters, ancient enemies of the dragons, will destroy the worlds.”

"How can I stop this?" he asked.

"You cannot. The Dragonguard can. They will soon claim the EbilCorp Gundams and use them to save the world."

Next Time in Gundam: Shadow...Duel! Starbuck and Slayer fight. During this encounter Mika investigates EbilCorp and makes an interesting discovery.

Monday, October 26, 2009

S2, Chapter 3: Nightmares

Zorbak turned around as he heard the door to his private study open. The tiny moglin screamed when he saw three horribly deformed shadow beings.

“Mr. Z....our enemy.” one of them said.

“Who are you?” he demanded hitting the panic button.

“We used to pilot the Shadow Gundams...but now we are something entirely different.” another said.

“We are the nightmares.” said the third one.

The guards arrived and pointed there weapons at the three shadow creatures. They fired their energy blasters and found the energy just went through the creatures.

“Once long ago that would have harmed us. But no longer.” said one of them. It jumped down the stairs and grabbed two guards. Spikes emerged from its body of shadow and its eyes glowed red as it began to take a more humanoid form. The other two joined it in fighting and as they fought they began to take more human forms.

Mr. Z looked in horror at the three creatures. They looked like shadows of humans with red eyes and claws and they were unlike anything the moglin had seen. They jumped up to face him.

“You may call us by the names of the machines we used to pilot. I am Slayer.” said the first one.

“And I am Abyssal Flare.”

“And I, Charon.”

“That doesn’t really help since you all look and sound the tell me, are you the shadows that were lurking in our system?”

“Yes.” Slayer said smiling revealing sharp teeth. “We used your mirror to return to life. Quite an interesting piece of technology.”

“It is actually magical.” Mr. Z said trying to think of a way to strike up a deal with them. “Now are you here to kill me?”

“Not anymore.” Slayer said, apparently speaking for the other Nightmares. “We need something..we need Gundams.”

Mr. Z smiled. “That I can provide you with. Until they are ready...would you mind causing some havoc on Loreon?” he continued on in a sinister mood, already making plans.

“I think that would make us very happy.” Abyssal Flare said.

“Shall we depart now, Slayer?” Charon asked.

“Yes.” he said. They all melted into a pool of shadow that moved into the dark corners of the move and disappeared. Mr. Z happily returned to his work when he heard another noise. The door opened again this time to reveal three beings of light.

“I’m sorry, since when did my PRIVATE study become open to all these shadow and light beings?”

“I’m sorry Zorbak the Traitor.” Mika said angrily. “We heard everything.”

“Are you going to kill me?” he asked.

“Yes.” Mika said preparing to attack.

“No, don’t do that Mika!” Omicron advised. “He is part of the Galactic Alliance, if he is killed we will all be intergalactic criminals. And that would not help in stopping the Nightmares and repairing reality.”

Ryukai stepped forward. “He is right. As much as I would love to rip that moglin’s head off it would just continue to harm us. We’ve worked very hard to get back, lets not ruin it.”

“I can’t stand being right here, able to kill him. Excuse me while I leave.” Mika said with her fists clenched about to walk away.

“Stop right there, Mika.” Mr. Z commanded. She turned around and he smiled. “I’d like to know why you hate me so much.

Mika could barely contain her anger as she thought about her past. EbilCorp had been the primary enemy in her life. Ever since she was a child on New Vega. “EbilCorp took everything from me. It took away who I was.”

Zorbak smiled. “Excellent. I would love to hear the story during our next encounter. Until then.” he said as his body disappeared.

“What?” Ryukai said shocked.

“He was a hologram? I’ve never seen one so realistic...this corporation really has made major advances in technology.” Omicron said just as surprised.

“Let’s get to Loreon and stop those Nightmares now.” Mika said feeling as if their time had just been terribly wasted.

“Hold on Mika,” Ryukai said forming a plan. “Me and Omicron can take on the Nightmares. Why don’t you snoop around EbilCorp? With Mr. Z can do anything you want.”

Mika smiled a bit. “If you are sure...I will gladly accept.”

Omicron and Ryukai exploded into light and left the station and teleported to Loreon. They arrived in Soluna City and found nothing was wrong. They used their ability to travel at the speed of light to search everywhere but found nothing.

“Where could they be?” Omicron asked.

“You checked Starbuck’s house right?”

“Yes. James and Lisa were safe, nothing wrong.”

“Hmm...wait.” Ryukai said as a horrible thought came to his mind. “What about Marcus...the baby?”

The two searched the house and found no trace of the child. They appeared in front of the couple who had not yet noticed.

“Omicron! Ryukai!” they exclaimed.

“We don’t have any time.” Ryukai said frantically. “Your son has been kidnapped.” “What?” Lisa said as she got up and ran to his room to check.

“What happened?” James asked the two light beings.

“The pilots of the Shadow Gundams...they came back into this world as we did. They are different...shadowy creatures. They call themselves the Nightmares.” Omicron explained.

“And Slayer wants his revenge on you.” Ryukai added.

Lisa ran back into the room panicking. “We have to get him back! Where would they go?”

“The first place we battled.” the Admiral thought. “Just outside of Soluna Plaza.”

Next Time on Gundam: Shadow....New Management! Mr. Z is at his meeting at "EbilCorp HQ" and things will not go well. Zorbak made a mistake that is going to anger the other leaders. This meeting will change his life forever.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

S2, Chapter 2: Loreon

Lisa woke up and climbed out of bed. The light from the window momentarily blinded her, but her eyes quickly adjusted. Looking back she noticed her husband was gone. Walking into the living room she saw him.

“James, what is it?” she asked.

He turned around with a serious look on his face. “I sense something isn’t right.” He went back and looked out the window. There house was in a position on the west side of the lake. To the left were the mountains and to the right you could see GEARS in the distance.

In the distance a baby cried. “It looks like Mark is up too.” Lisa went into the bedroom of their one year old son. She picked him up and cradled him in her arms and watched him smile. As she turned around she heard an explosion in the distance.

Running back to James she saw a look of horror on his face. Outside the window GEARS University’s shield had activated. As she looked at what fired upon it she too was horrified. It was a Shadow Gundam....Mephisto. The Shadow Gundam of Lord Valoth. But this time it looked different.

“No it can’t be...” she said sitting down on the couch. “We stopped him. We stopped them all five years ago.”

“Apparently not.” he said gravely. The he ran towards the door. Lisa chased after him.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to get the Carrier of Hope and stop it.”

“Are you insane? It took the power of the Dragonguard Gundams...all three to stop that thing! If you go, you will be killed.”

“What am I supposed to do?” he yelled at her.

Lisa began to cry. “Help us get to safety.” Upon saying this there was another noise in the distance. The two looked out the window to see three orbs of light the size of Gundams. The three lights circled around the changed Mephisto. The red crystals growing on it were shattered and the lights pierced the Gundam causing it to explode.

“What just happened?” she asked. “It was the same as last time...they were all destroyed.”

“Not destroyed” said a voice from behind them. They turned around and saw Omicron except created from light.

“Omicron?” James asked.

“Yes, Admiral Starbuck. I do not know how much longer I can physically stay here...but I have come to warn you. There are things moving within the shadows of this world. They are attempting to return and you mustn’t let them.”

“What do you mean?” Starbuck asked as he began to disappear.

“Just remember...” he said as he completely disappeared.

“Lisa, come with me. We need to talk to Odessa.

The two (and Mark) departed for the palace. Upon arriving they found Odessa was very busy dealing with the current situation.

“You you have something to say? I am a bit busy...” she said quickly.

“We saw Omicron.” James said.

Odessa stopped and looked at him. “Where is he?”

“He disappeared. You see he appeared as a hologram of looked like he was made of light.”

“Did he say anything?”

“He said there are things in the shadows that are trying to return.”

“Was he referring to Lord Valoth’s brief return?” Odessa asked.

“We don’t know,” Lisa responded. “But I would think so. More importantly this means...”

“That they aren’t dead.” Odessa said. “They are still out there somewhere, perhaps not as they once were. Bittersweet news.”

James continued her thought, “Because if they can return so can the Shadowscythe.”

“What should we do about this?” James asked.

“It is clear we need to find out why this is happening. I think it is time to call upon the help of EbilCorp.”

Everyone was silent for a moment. Then Odessa continued. “We reluctantly made them a part of the Galactic Alliance, which means we can use them as a resource. If they don’t know I don’t think anyone will.”

“Do you need any help, Odessa?” James offered.

“No, it is fine. You can return home with your family. If I need anything or find anything out I will contact you immediately.”

As the Starbucks left, Odessa called Mr. Z. “Hello, Mr. Z.” she said. “I need to discuss a matter with you.”

Zorbak listened as Odessa told him what had happened. Immediately he became concerned when the information from Station 5 and Loreon aligned. “We have received a similar report. Something is looking through my systems for a way to return to this world. Possibly several beings.”

As Zorbak spoke to Odessa these very shadows moved through his office and into his private study. The shadows were finally able to look upon themselves. In the mirror they saw their complete forms. Moving through they emerged once again into this world.

“It feels so good to be back.” spoke one of them. “Now I can finally get my revenge on Captain Starbuck.”

Next Time in Gundam: Shadow....Nightmare. The war has been over for five years, but a new war is going to start. From the darkness of the past three old foes arrive.

Friday, October 23, 2009

S2, Chapter 1: Events in Motion

5 Years Later (Year 3012)

Zorbak entered his private study in Station 13. Reaching into his drawer he pulled out a small metal box. As he opened it, he leaned in closer and spoke. “What do I do now?”

Tiny echoes were heard and from inside the box a voice spoke back. “Capture Warlic, do not let him carry out the Dragon’s plans.”

Zorbak closed the box and carefully put it back into the desk. Looking forward he stared into the mirror and saw nothing. He moved forward and touched the mirror. It glowed green briefly and then returned to normal. Zorbak then left the private room and returned to his main office.

Sitting down at his desk he dialed a number on the phone. The phone rang and after a few seconds (the phone was on speaker mode) a voice said, “Mr. Z?”

Zorbak smiled and responded, “Yes, how are things going Maria-5?”

“Excellent, sir. Station 5 is running at maximum power and the harvesting operation is running smoothly. We are however having security problems.”

“Oh? What type of security problems?”

“There seem to be shadows in the system. Occasionally random parts of the system will begun to run slowly, but it moves in a line. By that I mean the shadows will not jump systems they move through connected ones.”

“What have the professionals said?” Zorbak asked referring to the security team.

“They believe something is searching our systems. The most searched file is one involving The Mirror in Station 13. I suggest you increase security measures and protect yourself.” Maria advised.

From within the computer system of Station 5 the shadows listened. They now knew the location of The Mirror and it was time to find a way to get to it. The three distinct shadows moved towards a transport ship heading towards Station 13. The ship soon left taking with it the shadows.

“Thank you for the update Maria. I would also like to tell you of a new task I have for you.”

“What task do you have in mind, sir?”

“There is someone who is a threat to this corporation. His name is Warlic and he is most known as being a former Dean of GEARS University on Loreon. However he briefly served as Kingadent until Odessa became Queenadent.”

Zorbak continued on. “He is currently located at a place known as The Draconic Archives. It lies deep within Lagos, and I need you to find a way inside. I need you to kill Warlic.”

“What priority is this mission?”

“Top Priority. Failure is not an option. If Warlic escapes you, then you are to pursue him. Do not attempt to return to Station 5 and report failure.”

“Acknowledged. Will that be all, Mr. Z?”

“Yes.” Zorbak smiled hanging up the phone. Ever since the Shadowscythe wars, the company had been doing extremely well. Profits were up by 500%, mostly due to Shadowscythe Purge Kits. It was a fake product that claimed to destroy small traces of Shadowscythe DNA. The ad proclaimed that these pieces of DNA could over time cause sickness and sold very well on Loreon and Zargon.

However the company was still having issues with the dragons. Warlic for example was known by Mr. Z to be the product of a draconic experiment. Although its purpose was unknown, he also knew Warlic was one of the few with access to the Draconic Archives. The dragons were planning something that could endanger EbilCorp.

As he thought a light on his desk lit up red and beeped. This was the signal that Maria-13 was entering the room. “Greetings, Mr. Z.” she said as she ascended the stairs towards his desk. She paused for a second and sighed. “The view is so bland with Westion gone.”

“It is rather empty. But I suppose that is not why you are here.”

“No, it isn’t.” she closed her eyes for a moment wondering how he would take the following news. “Firstly, we are detecting shadows moving about. We believe the unique properties of the Gundams are leaving...traces of their former selves. Research is being done, but some hypothesize these traces are capable of re-forming.”

“You think...the Shadow and Dragonguard Gundams may reform?”

“Not me. But they also believe the pilots are capable of doing the same. It has been five years and if this process is capable of happening they would be in a preparation phase. A phase where they are beginning to cross over back into this world.”

“We will keep an eye on this. Do you have more news?”

“Yes, and this second piece of news is a bit more serious.”

“Go on.” Zorbak said interested.

“There is a request for you at EbilCorp HQ. The other leaders are gathering.”

“What? Do you have any idea why?”

Maria 5 smiled. “If I had to guess, it would be about these traces moving about. If they are messing with dimensional stability, that would greatly hurt EbilCorp.”

“Yes it would. I suppose I must leave immediately. However I am not ecstatic about speaking with Kabroz again.”

“I have already prepared a shuttle. It is equipped with travel cloaking. No one will see you make the jump into hyperspace, and your exit should be clean too. Sir, if I may ask...where exactly is EbilCorp HQ?”

“EbilCorp HQ is constantly moving. It is located in another world...another dimension. Currently seeing as it is the year 3012, it should be floating around Arthuria.”

“The Arthurian government does not notice it?” Maria questioned.

“It is rather see in order to enter you must shrink yourself first. From there you can pass through the gate.”

“I never knew how advanced EbilCorp was technologically...” she thought.

Zorbak smiled as he descended the stairs and headed for his private elevator. He took it directly to the hangar bay. Once there he headed towards his private space shuttle and entered. He entered the co-ordinates and the ship entered auto-pilot mode.

Meanwhile, Maria 5 had arrived on Lagos at a town called Crow’s Nook. She wandered through the crowd of strange fish-like aliens and made her way into a local store.

“Excuse me, have you seen a man who looks like this recently?” she said to the store owner while holding out her data pad with a picture of Warlic.

“Aye. I have. He left about a day ago towards the island to the north. Said something about checking on some old files.”

Maria smiled. “Thank you for the information.” She put down a card on the counter. “This is payment for your services. You can cash it in for 50,000 credits at any time.”

The shop keeper was dumbfounded. 50,000 credits was a great deal of money. Just who was this person, and why was he worth 50,000 credits? The man took the card and immediately hid it. You couldn’t trust anyone in Crow’s Nook.

Maria walked towards her small ship and took off towards the island to the north. Crossing the ocean she saw large beasts that resembled krakken. As she thought about them her vision flashed white.

“What am I doing here?” she asked herself. “One minute I was captured by EbilCorp...and now I am on Lagos?”

Tomorrow in Gundam: Shadow....Loreon! Find out how life has changed on Loreon. At the end of Season 1 we saw how their lives changed immediately after the war. But what will five years of peace do to them?