Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 3: Funeral

Chapter 3: Funeral

Admiral Odessa, Captain Starbuck, Ensign Lisa, Technical Offer Tek, and the other members of LOS-7 stood in respect for the dead. In front of them were 32 empty coffins for the dead. Unfortunately, their bodies could not be recovered as they were completely destroyed.

“Would anyone like to say a few words?” Admiral Odessa asked.

Starbuck walked forward and stood in front of everyone. “Out of all those who gave their lives to fight in the war, I knew Captain Sys-Zero the best. I remember first meeting him at GEARS University on the surface. I was a Freshman and he was a Senior. Everyone talked about him and how he was such a great pilot. About to graduate, he knew exactly what he wanted to do. His ultimate goal was to live to see the Shadowscythe destroyed. And while that dream did not come true, he lived to see the Bringer of Hope.”

Everyone was solemn as Starbuck continued. “And I vow that I will live to see his dream finished. We all have the same dream, but now we have the technology needed to make that dream a reality. With the Dragonguard Gundams we can stop the advance of these shadowy monsters and save our planet. And maybe even beyond that. There may be others out there in the same situation we are, and we must find them to try and help.”

Admiral Odessa walked forward to Starbuck. “Captain, you feel very strongly about this don’t you?” Starbuck nodded.

“Then I want you to pilot the Phoenix. I want to give you the opportunity to do everything you say. But for now, let us mourn the dead. Let us forget about the fighting because for once, we are safe.”

Everyone left the room except for Odessa. She walked towards the coffin marked Sys-Zero. “You now rest in peace, my son.” She began to cry as she fell to the ground. For nearly twenty minutes she wept, unable to move from that spot. No one knew of her relationship to him, and she felt alone. There was no one else to cry for him.

Back in his room, Captain Starbuck lied down on the bed. He thought about how quickly lives were lost and how quickly was gained. Was this how fate worked? Did it take hundreds of thousands of lives in exchange for hope?

Tek returned to her station. She went back to work making sure no other Shadowscythe were in range. She was saddened as was everyone, but she knew they weren’t safe. The enemy tried to reclaim the Dragonguard Gundams, and they may come back.

Ensign Lisa returned to the ship to begin overseeing repairs. The mobile suits hadn’t done much damage, but it was enough to slow the ship down. The Blade of Valor was going to see more battle than ever now.

After she was done, she headed for Starbuck’s room. “Captain, Blade of Valor has been repaired.”

The Captain opened the door. “No, it is no longer the Blade of Valor. I’ve been thinking about what I said earlier at the funeral. The Dragonoid was the Bringer of Hope, and now my ship will carry that hope.”

“The Carrier of Hope?” she asked.

“Yes. And we need to leave for Soluna now.”

“Why?” she asked. This was very sudden, and not more then three hours had passed since the start of all this.

“I have received a message from Kingadent Slugwrath. He wants to meet us all and congratulate us for our work. Can you alert Odessa, too?”

“Of course.” Lisa said smiling. The Kingadent wanting to meet them was such an honor. Even if he was questionable, he recognized their efforts which meant he cared. After bringing the news to everyone they prepared to leave LOS-7. And as they all boarded the Carrier of Hope and other small ships they looked back on the place. It seemed so empty now with everything gone.

Odessa felt a sense of closure. Almost as if the mission was complete. LOS-7 was created to defend Loreon, and now it had done more than that. It had secured hope for Loreon. The ship’s departed and LOS-7 floated empty through space.

Within two hours they had reached the surface and been processed by the royal guards. They were allowed to proceed into the royal hangar and dock. From there they were guided into the main castle and through the basement up into the throne room where Kingadent Slugwrath sat.

“Ah good, you are all here. Mary you may leave now. Guards, please be vigilant. Our meeting now can not be disrupted.”

The group (Admiral, Captain, Ensign, and Tech Offier) all bowed briefly before the King.

“There will be no need for that. I understand you found some new technology up at LOS-7?” he asked.

“Yes.” the Admiral said trying to be polite while looking at the inept king. Something seemed different about him, almost as if he had a goal in mind. “They are called Dragonguard Gundams and were delivered by a large being called a Dragonoid. This Dragonoid was a superweapon created by the dragons. That is what it told us.”

“And you believe this information is reliable?” asked the Kingadent.

“Yes I do. The Dragonguard Gundam known as the Phoenix seems purely created to defeat the Shadowscythe.”

“And you brought these Gundams with you to the surface, yes?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. I would like to have technicians examine them to see if their technology is reproducible.” he said smiling. “Guards, you may lock the prisoners up now.”

Shocked words came out of the mouths of the group as the royal guards grabbed them and tied them up with energy cuffs on their hands and ankles.

“What is the meaning of this?” Starbuck yelled.

“You are exactly what Loreon needs to win this war. And I can not let that happen.”

Starbuck looked at the guard. His vision flashed and he saw darkness erupting from it. His vision flashed again and the guard looked normal. “These guards...they’re Shadowscythe!”

The others looked at him confused, but the Kingadent laughed. “You are correct. They have not completed their transformation yet, but if they were to lift their visors...” he motioned his hand and they lifted their visors to reveal half of their faces were made of black scaly material. Their irises were red and sharp teeth began to protrude from their mouths.

“The Shadowscythe are the most powerful beings in the galaxy. Siding with them is the best move one could possibly make.”

“You are a traitor to all of humanity!” Odessa accused.

“Yes I am. And soon you will see the true power of the Shadowscythe. Once I hand them the Dragonguard nothing will be able to stop me!”

“You are wrong!” said a female voice that sounded like it came from a mobile suit. A beam of energy broke through the roof and scorched the floor between the prisoners and the Kingadent. Everyone looked above to see one of the Dragonguard Gundams floating in the air with a gun trained on the Kingadent.

“Who is piloting that?” Ensign Lisa asked.

“I recognize that voice..” Tek began to think. “That’s it! The voice of Maria 5!”

“The royal technical officer?” The Kingadent said shocked. “I ordered you to prepare the Gundams for transport!”

“I am not foolish.” Maria 5 spoke through the Gundam. “I know where your allegiance lies! I won’t let this Gundam fall into the hands of the Shadowscythe and I won’t let you continue to destroy Loreon!”

The Kingadent pressed a button on his throne. The wall behind him slid down to reveal his personal mobile suit. “If it is a battle you want. It is a battle you will get.”

Next Time in Gundam: Shadow....Revolution. The Kingadent is an agent of the Shadowscythe and has betrayed Loreon from the start. The time for a revolution has come, but this game is far bigger than any can imagine.

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