Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chapter 9: Betrayal

“And that is exactly how it happened?” asked Lord Valoth.

“Yes,” responded the pilot of The Slayer, “What are your orders now?”

“Repair your Gundam, but while you do so order an attack on EbilCorp Station 13. Destroy all traces of EbilCorp on the planet.”

“I do hope you will let me have some fun...”

“Your top priority is to destroy the station and gain control of the CDB mining operation. I don’t care what you do with the planet itself.” he said smiling as turned off his communicator.

As the dark forces mobilized, Maria 13 entered Zorbak’s office at the top of the station. “Mr. Z, we have detected a large Shadowscythe fleet is approaching the station.” reported Maria 13.

“Hmm? I don’t remember having anything for them to pick up.” Mr. Z said while filling out paperwork.

“Mr. Z, I think they are here to destroy the station.” Maria 13 warned. Mr. Z looked up and smiled.

“Are they now? Well prepare the station for battle. If they do mean to declare war then wake him up.”

Maria 13 looked concerned. “Are you sure?”

“We knew this day would come and we prepared for it. Now it is time to show them the true Mr. Z. No more acts....this is war!”

The Shadowscythe ships soon arrived and stopped a moderate distance from the station. The ships simultaneously fired upon the station, but found their beams were deflected by a large energy shield. The might of a thousand ships firing was not enough and Slayer was stunned.

“Impossible!” he said staring at the shield.

Inside the station Mr. Z smiled. “My turn!” Small holes appeared in the shield as high powered laser beams passed through them upon the fleet. Several large ships exploded and the EbilCorp shield returned to full strength.

“Now Maria 13 you may awake our new friend.” As the Shadowscythe continued to fire on the shield hoping to weaken it, a hole appeared in the bottom and a large beam was sent downwards towards the planet.

On the surface the Drakels and Equins watched a large beam from the sky pierce the ground between Khaeldron and Alamonia. A giant sandstorm was created and obstructed the vision of the towns. Neither of them saw the dragonoid rise from inside the planet and fly up towards the Shadowscythe.

The Shadowscythe soldiers panicked and the fleet began to retreat as the dragonoid moved towards the fleet. However they could not run. Its beam attack destroyed nearly all of the Shadowscythe ships and it personally went after the ones that escaped.

Slayer barely managed to escape. It was not large enough for the dragonoid to detect. “Lord Valoth, the fleet...”

“I know. Return here. If EbilCorp truly wants to side with our enemies, then we will show them the true power of the Shadowscythe.”

“If we are to go after this...we are going to need to improve Hellfire and Shadestorm.”

“We already have and you three will be moving together from now on. Hellfire was destroyed on Zargon as I told you, and Shadestorm went missing during the incident on 51...”

“What happened?” Slayer asked carefully. Valoth sounded very angry when he mentioned Planet 51.


“I vote against it.” the final council member said.

“Joseph, it does not matter. Seven of the Ten members of this Council agree. The weapon has now been cleared for use.” spoke the Council Leader.

“Do you really think it is a good solution to our problems? It isn’t even a solution!”

Another Council member rose. “While it is not a perfect is one. We can not let the Shadowscythe continue assaulting us!”

“This weapon only sends the enemies to another place...another world! It is our scientific responsibility to safeguard others. Have you even thought about who we could be endangering with this bomb?”

“We have...there may not even be anyone where we are sending them.”

“It is ethically wrong!” Joseph continued to argue. He would have continued on but a messenger came running into the council chamber.

“Their is a Shadow Gundam here! It broke through our is unlike anything we have seen previously...”

“This Council meeting is dismissed. Prepare the weapon for use!”

The Council members left the room in a panic and began to head for the shelters in the Capital Building. Joseph saw the Gundam through one of the windows on his way. It was thin but the attacks it was using were amazing. There was a blend of lightning and spikes of ice as the planet was assaulted, as well as beams of corruption.

He stopped and watched as the Gundam turned towards him and blasted the window open. “Tell me, where is the superweapon?”

Joseph realized he had a large dilemma. If he gave away the location, the Shadowscythe would have a very powerful weapon. If he did not give away the location and the Gundam accidentally destroyed the weapon...this planet would be lost.

“Listen to me carefully. The weapon is highly unstable and located in this building. If it is destroyed, you will be eradicated.”

“Very well, then hand it over.”

“I can not do that!”

“If you will not hand it over, I will destroy it. Do you think I make that much of a difference within the Shadowscythe?”

“Please don’t....” Joseph warned, but it was too late. Shadestorm fired its corruption cannon upon the building which soon exploded. As the building went up in flames a large white light came forth and pierced the sky. The beam curved and began to encompass the planet. Shadestorm began flying towards space.

As he climbed higher the beam continued to traverse the surface and the atmosphere and cut his Gundam in half. The pilot lived long enough to see the entire planet flash in a bright light.

He awoke and found himself in the same planet, but the sky above was different. A large planet could be seen in the sky. The entire planet had moved somewhere else...


“The entire planet just went missing?” said the pilot astounded.

“Yes. But it does not matter anymore. We must gather our forces and then prepare a final assault on this solar system.”

“Yes. Returning to base now.” Slayer began to move forward and he saw the dragonoid pass him. It moved with great speed and veered to the left. The pilot saw the dragonoid begin to fly down to the surface of Loreon.

Tomorrow on Gundam: Shadow.....Superweapon. With only Slayer left, a war against EbilCorp, and the awakening of a new dragonoid the Shadowscythe are not in a good situation. A full sized invasion force is about to arrive to counter the forces threatening the aliens.

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