Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chapter 11: Corruption

“Acknowledged.” Mika said as she piloted Phoenix over to the carrier where the giant mech Gundam-Eater stood. She was shocked at its size. Lowering the mech she found a giant entrance hatch. Phoenix easily fit inside and once it did, all controls were moved to Phoenix. All actions the Phoenix were commanded to do, were done by Gundam-Eater.

Selena and Boltavolt spoke to the dragonoid. Selena began, “We added in some extra surprises in the shoulders of Gundam-Eater.”

Boltavolt finished, “We need two pilots.”

Starbuck and Odessa volunteered and were dropped off on the shoulders. they found small hatches and used them to climb down deeper into the mech. Once inside they recognized the device they were in were large fighter ships.

Without asking anyone if they were ready, Mika launched the mobile suit. The Gundam and Gundam-Eater were perfectly synched and it began to rise up. The right arm held a rifle-spear weapon and Mika aimed it at the Slayer and began to fire. The Gundam dodged so she flew towards it and slashed at it with the spear part of the weapon.

Using the left arm which was just a mass of energy, Mika created a barrier around Slayer and then contracted it to crush the Gundam. Slayer entered Werewolf Mode and ate a hole in the barrier and then proceeded to scratch at the helm of the superweapon. The attack did nothing just like the attacks from the others. Abyssal Flare’s missiles and Charon’s shadow sword were having no effect.

Without a word the Shadow Gundams began to retreat. “Unacceptable.” Mika said coldly. Pressing a button she launched Starbuck and Odessa’s ships. They pursued the Shadow Gundams with Guardian Spirit and Swordmagi. Combined with the ship’s fire, Guardian Spirit used its rifle to lock on and snipe Abyssal Flare. Swordmagi initiated its Decoy System and surrounded Slayer and Charon. This gave Odessa and Starbuck enough time to hit the Gundams.

All three Shadow Gundams had fallen to the ground now. They were overpowered and Mika went to finish them off. She moved the foot of Gundam-Eater above them and attempted to crush them. However a bolt of shadow energy hit the weapon and it toppled over.

A large Shadowscythe cruiser ship came in from above. “What annoyances you are. Shadow Gundams initiate Energy Transfer to the carrier’s Corruption Launcher.”

Large beams of shadow energy came from the three fallen Gundams and powered up the carrier. “Now let us turn the tides of this battle.” The power of four Corruption Weapons gathered and were launched at the dragonoid who was protecting the city. The blast knocked the robotic creature into the nearby lake. Green bolts of energy erupted from the water and the wings flapped above trying to escape. Everyone watched in horror as corruption particles moved along the wings stripping them off their color and turning them into undead-like wings. Emerging from the water was not a dragonoid but a draconoid, a dracolich robot.

“You have no idea what you have-aggh!” it howled. “Run...” it warned with the last of its willpower.

The dracolich fired a beam of corruption energy at Gundam-Eater. The weapon fell to the ground again and was severely damaged as the armor began to crack and internal systems were shifted. A beam of energy came from inside as the Phoenix emerged in Archangel mode.

“I will finish this.” Mika said charging a beam of purification energy. The Gundam fired but it was worthless against the might of another beam attack. Archangel was hit and reverted to a normal state and fell to the ground. Mika screamed in pain as the harsh landing slammed her against the side of the mech. A feeling of helplessness came over her and she felt angry.

The Shadow Gundams rose again, now repaired by the shadow energies. “This is not good...” Omicron said worried. In the background the Paladin had transformed and attempted to purify the draconoid, but the beast swiftly dodged the attack and damaged the Paladin’s core systems by biting into it.

“None can destroy the Shadowscythe.” the draconoid boasted.

“Really?” said a voice from above. Everyone looked to see a squadron of EbilCorp fighter ships. “Mr. Z disagrees!” As the fighter ships began to fire on the Shadow Gundams, everyone realized how large of a war this was, and how big of a battle this was.

“You Dragonguard, focus on purifying the draconoid! We can handle these Shadow Gundams.”

Abyssal Flare fired its missiles and guns but it only destroyed a few of the thirty figher ships. Charon became invisible and began to strike from the shadows, but again the ships were too fast.

While distracted Omicron inside Guardian Spirit activated its hidden ability. “Let us hope Guardian Spirit can save us...”

After pushing the button a large orb of light appeared around Guardian Spirit. The Gundam glowed with a bright intensity as it entered Shining Stat mode. Using all of this energy the Gundam collided with the draconoid. The collision was one of pure light and the Gundam itself broke into millions of light particles as it spread through the draconoid cleansing it.

The dragonoid returned as the purification particles cleansed it. Once done, they all reformed into Guardian Spirit. “Wow...that was an interesting feeling..” Omicron said as his mech fell. “I’m a bit dizzy now...think you can finish the battle, dragonoid?”

The dragonoid laughed as it stared at the Shadow Gundams. Reacting quickly the pilots of Abyssal Flare and Charon entered Demon and Ghoul modes respectively.

Abyssal Flare in Demon Mode caused half of the fighter ships to collide with it and mash together to form another armor layer. Charon in Ghoul mode spread a Shadow Toxin that brought the other fighter ships under its control. Together they retreated towards space avoiding the Purity Nexus fired as a cannon towards them. Using the ships and the armor as shields.

“Do not worry, we will pursue them into space. Selena, Billy, help Mika and the Paladin, while I go with the other Dragonguard Gundams to finish off the Shadow Gundams. They have no idea how much more anger I have for them now...”

Large flames erupted from all over the dragonoid as it turned red and roared breaking space and creating a rift directly outside the planet. It and the Gundams flew through and emerged in space, facing the scared Shadow Gundams.

On the surface of Zargon, Slayer avoided detection and headed for the damaged Phoenix. “Now is the time for my revenge...”

Tomorrow in Gundam: Shadow....Decimation. After a large scale battle on Zargon, the remaining forces go to finish off the Shadow Gundams. On the surface Mika is about to be visited by the Slayer. The final obstacles...the side that wins will advance.

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