Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chapter 16: Truth

The Paladin moved through the portal to find disaster. The three Dragonguard were fighting off against a giant Shadow Gundam and the dragonoid and Gundam-Eater (which it was carrying on its back) were destroyed.

“Odessa what should we do?” Lisa asked, acting as navigation.

“Evade the battle, we will do more good by fighting with the rest of the dragons against the Shadowscythe.”

“Acknowledged.” she said smiling as she entered the co-ordinates and monitored the draconic ships. This was truly a battle of light and darkness as she saw purification and corruption beams firing back and forth.

“Detecting EbilCorp ships approaching.”

“Open communications. Remember, we are working with them for now.” Starbuck advised. He still didn’t like the idea but they had come so far and now was the final battle. They would either win or lose here.

“They are requesting repairs.” Lisa reported.

“Allow them in.” Odessa repsonded. “Tek, report to the hangar bay to assist them. Maria, you go too.”

Maria and Tek left immediately and reported to the hangar. There they met with a group of robots standing outside the ship.

“What is the problem?” Tek asked looking at the ship. “I only see a few scratches, they are almost in perfect condition.”

Without saying a word two of the robots fired tranquilizer darts at Tek and the others grabbed Maria. “What are you doing? Let go!” she yelled kicking. “Help! Somebody!” she yelled but they already had pushed her inside one of the ships. The robots locked her up in a small room and they took off leaving The Paladin.

“This is odd...the ships are leaving already.” Lisa reported.

“I’m going to go ask what the problem was.” Odessa said as he left the room. In the hangar she was shocked when she saw Tek lying on the ground. Odessa ran to help her and pushed a button to access the ship’s PA System. “Lisa, I need help down here! Tek has been hit with tranquilizing darts.”

The navigator left and gave full controls to Starbuck. Running down to the hangar she helped Odessa move her into the sick bay. As they put her down on the bed she began to speak. “They...they took Maria.”

Returning to the bridge Odessa gave her orders. “Head for the nearby EbilCorp station orbiting Westion. Maria has been kidnapped.”

The Paladin quickly turned around and headed for the station. Upon arrival they found a barrier they could not penetrate. None of their weapons worked against it and they were unable to communicate with anyone in the station.

Inside the station Maria was taken to Mr. Z’s office. There he looked at her and smiled. “So we finally found you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Maria-5, you were in charge of EbilCorp Station 5 orbiting the planet Lagos. But you escaped and headed for Loreon. You even had your mind wiped by EbilCorp technicians, and I would like to know why.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You must be defective, spyborg....I just said you had your mind wiped.”

“Spyborg? What are you talking about?”

Mr. Z laughed. “You are a robot. Now I am going to deactivate you and restore your memory.”

“You are crazy-”

“Maria Spyborg Unit 5 initiate Restoration Point 2.”

Maria’s eyes turned completely black. Green bits of data flew by them as the computer began to restore her memories and personality from Point 2. After a few minutes they stopped and returned to normal.

“Mr. Z? Why am I here?”

“Because we found out about you having your mind wiped. Remember?”

“Sir, I would never...”

“Shut it! You cost us millions of credits. Without you running Station 5 they did not meet their yearly quota. You embarrassed the EbilCorp name.”

“Please...it wasn’t my fault. I was built as an intelligent unit and I wanted another life.”

“Yes, you did. And now I am going to make sure that never happens again.”

“You are going to have my memory erased?” she asked fearfully.

“Yes, but not the quick and easy way. The painful way...using the original mind wiping EbilCorp tech.”

“No...Mr. Z...please don’t.” she begged.

“You should have thought about what consequences your actions would have. Now report to the chair on your own, make this a bit easier.”

Maria-5 began to cry as she ran down the stairs and attempted to leave the office. The doors were locked and she was unable to leave. She begged and screamed as the EbilCorp drones came and carried her away.

The Dragonguard continued to fight Mephisto. His first attacks were his most powerful as he launched hellfire and corruption darts at them. Using their light powers they simply blocked the attacks.

“You can not defeat us.” Ryukai said. “Give up.”

“For ten thousand years I have controlled this empire. Do you really think I will give up now?”

“It is useless.” Omicron said. “None of your attacks can hurt us, but our attacks can hurt you. Either way you are going to be destroyed.”

“Well then I will fight.” using his spear he launched umbral lightning which bouced off of the light of the Dragonguard. Mika fired a purification beam upon Mephisto damaging the suit even more.

Using a special device on Mephisto’s shoulder he attempted to cause the Dragonguard to rust but it had no effect. “Why are your Gundams not being destroyed?”

Mika laughed. “What Gundams?” Mika grabbed the hatch and showed Mephisto there was no pilot inside.

Valoth was devastated. “You can’t have more power than me...I am darkness. Pure darkness...”

“You were.” Omicron said looking at the other two. All three Dragonguard launched forward and dissolved into Mephisto. The Gundam began spasming as parts ripped off and exploded in blasts of light. Valoth was ripped apart by the light and in one large explosion Mephisto was no more.

End of Season 1

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