Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chapter 8: Apocalypse, Part 1 of 5: Our Demon Foe

The shock ended. But the screams continued. As everyone awoke, they looked up, bleary eyed, at the cruel demon watching them.

“Do you see now why it was necessary?” Omicron said with a smile, as he always did.

“Now you can truly hate me, you can...” he began. A technician approached him and whispered something into his ear.

“How dissappointing. It seems Starbuck expired before you could see his memories. Oh well, he was worthless anyways. In sixty seconds you will all be free, and I will be gone. The hunt begins, soon.” he announced as he walked out of view.

Fire erupted on the fists of the Dragonguard. 55 seconds remained.

Their desire to kill Omicron ravaged their minds. 30 seconds remained.

The fire began to spread. The hate they had soon turned into a desire for justice. The blue flame began to engulf their bodies. 15 seconds remained.

Now each of them was covered in the ultimate power. The Astral Fire they had gained when they restored Zorbak. 10 seconds remained.

Their time for vengeance was now. 5 seconds remained.

Mika stared up, Ryukai clenched his fists, and Zorbak closed his eyes. 1 second.

A bright light burst from the seas of Loreon. The Poseidon exploded in flames that tore apart the water as three large comets of blue fire erupted upwards. The energy sent shockwaves across the surface of the planet.

“We will tear him apart.” Mika said as they rocketed into space.

“Omicron will be punished.” Ryukai said.

“For all the crimes he has committed against us and our friends.” Zorbak said.

Just as quickly as the Poseidon exploded, they were in space following a trail of dark energy that only they could see. As they broke through the atmosphere, they broke that which bound them.

The comets that they were exploded, and they did not lose speed, as they became the Astral Dragonguard Gundams. Each one of them was made of an unknown metal that could only be seen as light blue. The frames weren’t even completed, because the Gundams were each one of them.

The fire of their souls had erupted into the shape they desired. Mika’s desire to strike at the heart of Omicron caused Valkyrie to sprout wings that were eight times the size of the “mecha” and wield a halberd of equal size.

Zorbak’s desire to protect the innocent caused his “mech” to fall to pieces. The odd blue metal separated into three separate pieces that formed into gigantic shields protecting a sphere of intense blue fire that surrounded Zorbak.

Ryukai’s desire to punish Omicron, to torture him, caused his “mech” to condense around him. An infinite source of power condensed into a second skin of fire around him.

They weren’t pilots. These weren’t mechas. What they were now, was themselves. An incarnation of their desires. They flew through space of their own will, and the flames of the Astral Dragonguard followed them.

Their speed increased almost to the speed of light, as they finally caught up with Omicron. He was almost a mirror image of them. Except he was surrounded by a sphere of dark energy.

“You all look so angry, why not lighten up?” he said laughing. “Joke around with your old buddy, Omicron.”

“You are a demon.” Mika exclaimed.

“You are Valoth.” Ryukai added.

“You will never be Omicron. He was a good person.”

“Omicron was me. He was a fake. A delusion in your mental prison.” Valoth said taunting them. Mika struck with her halberd, but the dark energy deflected the giant weapon. Ryukai let loose a hellstorm of blue flame from his stored energy, it slowly ate away at the darkness, but was then deflected by Valoth’s will. Zorbak’s three shields surrounded Omicron and closed in, trying to squeeze the darkness, and illuminate it.

However, Valoth simply shattered the shields. Zorbak quickly regenerated each one, and then spoke. “Omicron was someone you tried to be. We may have been in a prison, but he was real. And you can never take away the True Omicron.”

Strengthened by Zorbak’s words, they all attacked once more. Mika’s halberd drove itself past the shadow and pierced Valoth. The demon roared and grabbed the halbered with his hands and thrust it outside of his dark sphere. Ryukai then created a wall of spikes in front of him out of the flame. They surrounded the shield and swept inwards, tearing it apart. All but three were destroyed, and those three pierced Valoth’s head, knee, and stomach.

Before the darkness could free him of the astral flames, Zorbak surrounded Valoth with his shields once more. As the spikes were thrust out of his body, they ricocheted off the blue metal and once again pierced Valoth.

Then they heard a roar. This time, it was truly a demon’s roar. It shattered the spikes and shields, and the dark energy expanded, grabbing onto the astral flames. But it could not hold them. Their Gundams repelled the darkness, and it collapsed into Valoth.

With another roar, he absorbed them and his body of flesh ripped apart. Red crystal wings coursing with doom energy sprouted from the body of shadow. The shadows grew, and Valoth’s size increased to one far larger than the Gundams.

The doom crystallized his entire body, and then shattered. His skin was now that of a true demon. His appearance was that of a demon. Shadow and doom had no influence here, this was their true enemy.

The Demon Valoth.

“Finish me!” he roared. “I dare you to use those flames, to try and overcome my might. You can not destroy me no matter how hard you try. Not even with an army at your side!”

“Lies!” yelled a voice from behind all of them. A large ship approached. It was the Carrier of Hope. The voice was that of Drakath. The emperor of the dragons was commanding his fleet, the draconic fleet behind him, from their old ship.

“You think you can destroy me? You pathetic dragons admitted defeat already. You left your fate in their hands...not even the Shadow of the Dragons can defeat me now!” Valoth proclaimed.

His demonic form plunged downwards into a was H. They hadn’t realized they were right outside of Essence. Within seconds, the planet exploded, and in its place was the Demon Valoth, now the size of the planet he consumed.

The army and the ADG looked upon the planet sized foe. “We will drag you back to Hell.” Mika exclaimed.

“Aren’t you the least bit frightened?” Valoth taunted.

“We have saved the world twice. Even if it was in a fake was real to us. It was the same as this world.” Ryukai said.

“All this time, we have been preparing for this moment. And we will succeed. It is our destiny.” Zorbak proclaimed.

“It is time.” Drakath said from the Carrier. “Initiate the final secret of the DragonGuard...the Shadow of the Dragons System!”

Chapter 7: The Last Memory

Zorbak’s First Memory

“And finally Zorbak, this is Maria 5 former pilot of Guardian Spirit.” Warlic said.

“Hello, Maria.” Zorbak said introducing himself.

“Hi.” she responded with a smile. “If you don’t mind me asking...what are you? Your so tiny and cute.” she exclaimed.

“...I’m a moglin.” Zorbak said slightly embarrassed. He was about one fourth the height of everyone here, and was worried people wouldn’t take him seriously. Apparently he was right.

“I’ve never seen a moglin before. What planet are you from?”

“You would know it as Planet 51, but we call it H.”

“H?” she asked.

“That is what it sounds like in our language. It isn’t spelled like that of course, a one letter name for a planet is quite silly.”

Maria chuckled. “I suppose so. So, shall we go and see Guardian Spirit?”

“Yes.” Zorbak said. He was more at ease, now. Perhaps it was just the initial shock of seeing him that made her laugh. Perhaps we really was being taken seriously.

The two entered Guardian Spirit. It was much roomier than Zorbak had expected. They stood in a spacious spherical chamber with a single seat in the middle facing a monitor.

“Guardian Spirit is quite bulky, so there is plenty of space inside here.” she said.

They talked about the Gundam for a while, but then began to digress form the topic. They talked about Maria a bit before the conversation turned back upon Zorbak.

“Planet 51 has only a single moon, however it is quite large. Larger than each of Loreon’s combined.”

“That seems like it would be quite a sight.” she said surprised.

“It can be. We look forward to the setting of the moon instead of the sun. We aren’t exactly nocturnal...we wake and sleep when we please.”

“That sounds like such a stress free life. I’d love to go on a vacation there.”

“If only the leaders of H wished for visitors. They fear your kind, all kinds of species. So until a time when that changes, no one will be able to visit H except for moglins. Though they don’t care about Essence, our moon.”

“Do people visit it? That seems like it wouldn’t be fun at all.”

“Essence is a very lush place with unique gravity. You would definitely enjoy it more than being on H.”

“Perhaps I should visit then, sometime.” she said smiling.

Zorbak’s Second Memory

“Shadow of the Dragons?” Zorbak asked. “What is it?”

“I’m going to read it, and then you will see what I do.” Mika said cryptically.

This is the tale of the fall

of Dragonkind,

of Shadowkind,

of Mankind.

We sought out the power

of our Predecessors.

We found, Doom.

The Doom of the Shadowkind,

empowered them.

We were locked away,

within the Essence.

We built society,

and observed the outer world.

The Shadowkind

sent terrible beings

into the world.

We watched them destroy.

We knew we needed to save.

So we called upon our power,

the power of Light.

To build the Gundams to guard us,

To guard Dragonkind.

But where there is Light,

there is Shadow.

They would find us,

if we used its power.

If we unlocked the mysteries of the world,

The Astral Power would cast a great beacon.

So, it was up to them...

To Mankind.

To darken our light,

To strengthen themselves,

and to awaken the Light

when the Shadow grew weak.

This will bring forth the Shadow of the Dragons,

a force that will destroy all,

or save all.

Our last chance,

to save the world.

To apologize for what we have done.

We pray to Mankind,

we pray they will save us all.

The Shadow of the Dragons,

shall be the End of the Dragons.

Friday, January 15, 2010

SoTD Chapter 6: Mika Ray

Chapter 6: Mika

Mika’s First Memory

“I will introduce you to each other so you can learn all you need to know about the Gundams. Mika Ray, this is James Starbuck the former pilot of Phoenix. Ryukai, this is Odessa Pureheart, former Swordmagi pilot. And finally Zorbak, this is Maria 5 former pilot of Guardian Spirit.” Warlic said.

“Hello, Ms. Ray.” Starbuck said with a smile on his face.

“Captain Starbuck.” she responded. “So this is Phoenix...” she said looking at the Gundam. It was definitely not like any mobile suit she had ever seen before. In fact, she knew calling it a mobile suit would be wrong.

“I’m sorry that I’m not prepared to give you a tour. This happened quite unexpectedly.” he said with a chuckle.

“That’s fine.” she responded coldly.

“But it is still possible...please, follow me.”

Mika’s Second Memory

“Just like Ryukai, you are.” Omicron said angrily. “How is it that my creations aren’t strong enough to fight university students?”

“What do you mean just like Ryukai?” she said, ignoring everything else.

“Oh that’s right. You know it better as the ‘elevator accident’.” Omicron said smiling sinisterly. “Unfortunately, that isn’t exactly what happened. Soon enough you will learn, you will experience, what happened to him.”

Just then the door to the basement was kicked open. Ryukai ran in with Zorbak, and the two hurried over to Mika.

“Zorbak, free Mika. And run.” Ryukai commanded. The moglin nodded and untied Mika and began to leave.

“I’m not leaving him.” she said to Zorbak.

Before Zorbak could respond, she was next to Ryukai and facing Omicron. The man, whatever demon it was hiding inside a man’s body...was smiling. He never stopped smiling.

“Even all three of you combined couldn’t stop me. Isn’t that right, Ryukai? Oh wait. You can’t tell anyone or you will have a fun little episode...”

“What did you do to him?” Mika demanded.

“A little bit of rewiring in his brain. I also found some very interesting genetic sequences, and I can’t wait to find out if they are in you too.”

“You won’t be doing that.” Ryukai protested. He wanted to leap forward and rip Omicron apart.

“And how are you going to stop me? Did you ever stop to think that I also changed other parts of you? Maybe if you try to attack me you will find yourself sprawling on the ground and gasping for air. Who knows? Oh wait...I do.” he taunted.

“Let’s find out.” he said, surprising Omicron. Ryukai rushed forward and threw a left hook punch at Omicron. His fist connected, and there was a squishing sound as his face collapsed and a green liquid oozed out.

Ryukai looked at his fist, and when he did he noticed an odd phenomena. The green liquid was being converted into dark wisps of energy and they flowed back into Omicron’s face, but they did not repair it.

“So you really can do permanent damage to me.” he said, with half of his face comprised of living shadow.

“Darkness...” Mika uttered. “No. You can’t be...we can’t be...” she began.

“This night hasn’t gone as planned at all.” Omicron commented. “I’ll be back after I rethink my strategy.” With that he melted into shadow energy which searched the room for an exit. It found a small crack in the wall, and in seconds was gone.

Mika’s Third Memory

Zorbak, Ryukai, and Mika were all sitting at a table in the GEARS University library. In front of them was an old book. It had been perfectly preserved.

“It was from the year 2012.” commented the librarian, Maya, before leaving them to study its contents.

“So do we finally get to learn about what you continue to ramble on about, Mika?” Zorbak asked.

“Yes. I’m sorry, but this is the evidence I needed to confirm it.” she responded. “If this book says what it should...then, everything will make sense.” Mika opened the book and skipped through the blank pages. She knew they would be there. She finally reached text around the middle of the book.

“The Prophecies of the Domus?” Ryukai asked. “Are these...the House Prophecies?”

“Yes.” Mika said. “However, this isn’t what I am looking for. Long ago on my home, that planet I lived on, the one that was certainly no home to anyone...I came across this book. And in it, it spoke of not only the GEARS prophecies, but it foretold future events from another source. I brought this book here for Maya to look after.”

“What other source?” Zorbak asked.

“The dragons.” She said turning to the page where a large dragon was sketched. It surrounded the heavens and beneath it there was ancient draconic writing.

“What does it say?” Ryukai asked.

Mika replied: “The Shadow of the Dragons.”

Saturday, January 9, 2010

SoTD Chapter 5: Ryukai

Ryukai’s First Memory

“These are the true pilots of the Dragonguard.” Warlic announced acknowledging Ryukai and two others. “Mika Ray will be piloting Phoenix, Ryukai will be piloting Swordmagi, and Zorbak will be piloting Guardian Spirit.”

Warlic then continued on. “I will introduce you to each other so you can learn all you need to know about the Gundams. Mika Ray, this is James Starbuck the former pilot of Phoenix. Ryukai, this is Odessa Pureheart, former Swordmagi pilot. And finally Zorbak, this is Maria 5 former pilot of Guardian Spirit.”

“Hello, Admiral Pureheart.” Ryukai said shaking her hand.

“Ryukai.” she said. “I have to say this is a surprise, Warlic never said he was going to pick different pilots for the DragonGuard.”

“Well he didn’t tell us why we had to pilot them either...” Ryukai explained. “So I’m sorry if you wanted answers.”

“Honestly, I am not sure what he means when he says that we should show you guys how the Gundams work. I have no idea what Swordmagi is capable of.”

“I’ll learn in time.” Ryukai said displaying a positive attitude.

“Now let’s go talk to Warlic about this. I’m not going to hand over my Gundam to a complete stranger.” she said with a smile.

The two walked over to the Dean who was talking to a student. “May we borrow you for a moment?” Odessa asked.

“Of course.” he said turning to her and Ryukai.

“I’d like to know why you are giving our Gundams away.” she asked bluntly.

“Trust me when I say these students are the most fit. We searched through the genetic records of GEARS and had a professional select the best candidates.”

“A professional?” Ryukai asked.

“Yes. In fact I can introduce you to him. He’s currently waiting for all of us at the Knife and Spork.”

With that, Warlic gathered everyone and they walked towards the Knife and Spork. They begin to move away from their pairings and mingled with each other. Everyone soon knew one another’s name and the type of person they were.

At the Knife and Spork, Warlic guided them to a large table in the back room where a man in a black suit was sitting.

“Everyone, this is Omicron of Soluna Genetics.” Warlic said introducing them.

Ryukai’s Second Memory

“Omicron.” Ryukai said angrily. He was on the floor, in a pool of his own blood.

“I’m quite surprised Ryukai. A typical member of RuneHawk wouldn’t have been able to take down seven of my men like that. Perhaps you are more of a brute?” he laughed.

“What the hell do you want with me?” Ryukai said insulted.

“I want to find out what makes Your genetic profile is very interesting, which is why I chose you. Sorry for bringing you to such a place like this in such circumstances...but I need my answers. From each and every one of you.”

They were in a dark cellar located near the base of GEARS University. Ryukai held his side in pain. “I won’t let you get to the others.”

“I don’t really think you have a choice.” Omicron noted. “Now let’s open up that precious brain of yours and do a little exploring. I promise that tomorrow, you will remember all of this, but will find yourself unable to speak of it.”

“What?” Ryukai asked.

“If you try to tell anyone what I am about to do to you, and that goes the same for the others when it is their turn, you will find yourself having an extremely painful and lucid seizure.”

Omicron’s body then began to change. His skin “unfolded” and darkness poured out of it. The darkness wrapped around his human shell and bright red energy erupted from his eyes and claws. The next thing Ryukai felt was cold. A dark cold feeling that would be impossible to describe.

Ryukai’s Third Memory

“You were terribly injured.” Nurse Helia said to Ryukai who was laying in the Infirmary of GEARS.

“What...happened?” he asked. He knew what happened last night, but he did not know what everyone else was told.

“There was an incident involving the elevator. It was utterly destroyed while you were in it. It is a miracle you weren’t killed.” she explained.

“How are you doing?” asked a voice. Ryukai turned his head to see Odessa and the others from yesterday were all gathered.

“I’m doing fine. A bit traumatized...” he said knowing it was a vast understatement.

“We will have to find a temporary replacement pilot for Swordmagi, it seems.” Warlic said. “I’ll contact Omicron.”

“No! I’m fine!” Ryukai yelled out. He needed to warn them somehow of what, that dark creature, would do to anyone he selected as being “genetically interesting.”

“Listen to me...” he began. “Stay together. Make sure that you don’t go near...aaaggh!” he screamed in pain. He twisted and convulsed in the hospital bed. The pain, was everywhere. He suffered physically and mentally. He couldn’t feel anything but the pain, but he knew he cried.

He cried because he knew it was hopeless. There was no way he could warn Mika and Zorbak. They would all experience the same nightmare, but they would not be able to speak of it.

So there was only one solution. As he screamed in pain, he yelled in his mind. “I WILL KILL OMICRON.”

Next Up: Chapter 6-Mika Ray: With the revelations of Ryukai experienced by all, what memories of Mika will be shared?

SoTD Chapter 4: Truth out of Memory

“Your a traitor?” Starbuck asked shocked.

“You can’t really say that. After all you have all been trapped inside my prison for a good ninety years now. And I have to say, your escape was quite impressive.”

“What happened? You killed Zorbak and took over his company and imprisoned us?” Mika asked.

“You don’t even remember your good friend Zorbak as he truly was...” Omicron said laughing.

“What do you mean by that?” Ryukai asked.

“Zorbak, was another DragonGuard pilot. And you think that he was the head of an evil corporation. How hysterical.” Omicron said with a sinister smile.

The three were confused. They didn’t know whether Omicron had gone insane, or if their memories had been tampered with.

“I will explain my ingenious plot. Perhaps you will remember then. All four of you were members of the DragonGuard at one time or another. You fought with the dragons in an attempt to defeat my kind, the Shadowscythe. During your attack on my primary base, Zeus, you were captured. I had you transported to Hades and reversed your memories and spun a web of lies. I had you think Zorbak was me, and I was Zorbak.”

“So you are the mastermind behind it all then. Omicron you son of a-” Mika began.

“Please don’t insult me by using that stupid name from your memory. “I am Lord Valoth.”

And with that the true memories surfaced within all of them. They screamed in pain as their brains rearranged the information. Mr. Z was Lord Valoth. EbilCorp was part of the Shadowscythe. The Galactic Conglomerate was Zeus. Essence was the name of the dragon’s galaxy. The Dragonoids did not exist. Necryptos did not exist. Westion did not exist. Loreon was the only real planet.

“You idiots...believing there was a planet of vampires and one of horse and lizard people? Really.” Valoth laughed. “And that an idiotic little moglin ran a gigantic company along with other moglins who came from different parallel worlds? Truly hysterical.”

“It has been ninety years...what have you done to Loreon?” Ryukai asked.

“Zorbak could tell you if he wasn’t see his death was quite fun. Inside the pod he thought he was Omicron who had lost his memory. After escaping from the place you two,” Valoth said pointing to Mika and Ryukai “imprisoned him in, he went out to search for you. That’s when he was devoured by an army of gigantic insects made of light.”

After stopping to laugh for a few seconds, Valoth regained his composure. “He was seizing within that pod for hours. I decided to be nice and end it for him.”

“Your insane.” Starbuck yelled. “I’d strangle you if I could...”

“Not surprising.” Valoth said. “Now back to my plan. After destroying your precious world, and harvesting the majority of your powers as the Astral DragonGuard, I came here to terminate all of you.”

“You didn’t count on us escaping did you?” Mika said.

“Oh it really doesn’t matter. Now that I have all the data necessary to replicate the Astral power you have...I’m unstoppable.”

“You don’t have that power yet.” Mika declared. “You won’t kill us as easily as you think.”

Valoth’s cheerful face suddenly became a serious one. “I wouldn’t dare fight you in your current state. You aren’t my enemy. I need to ensure you have all of your memories make sure you are the same person as my enemy. And don’t worry, I made backups of all of you. We’ll be heading down to Poseidon to repair your minds.”

“I’ll kill you.” Ryukai swore.

“I’m sure you will. You were always the brutish one of the group. Mika was always the one with the real ambition, though. I would prefer it if she was the one to kill me.” he said smiling at her. “Now, time to disable you all for the journey. Terminus.”

With that last word, the three in front of Valoth dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Poseidon: Neuroscience Research Center

Ryukai awoke. His vision was extremely blurry and all he could see was a blue wall. As his vision cleared he noticed the wall was blue due to a light coming from above him. He was strapped onto something vertically. Some sort of cylindrical device.

Near the upper right of his vision he saw a glass observation room. Inside was Valoth. With a loud noise, water began to flood into the chamber. The water level stopped after submerging the lower half of his body.

“This is going to hurt a bit.” a voice said over the radio.

Ryukai heard a zipping noise and soon noticed two wires being lowered into the water. When the exposed wires hit the water, he screamed in pain. The chamber lit up as electricity flew everywhere.

The pain however began to subside as he was forced to remember. The memories came back. Once again, he remembered. He felt his mind merge with the others...

He did not know where they were. But right now, they were all sharing a consciousness. They were exchanging memories.

Next Up: Chapter 5-Ryukai. With their minds as one, the truth will come to light. What part of their memories are real? And what parts...never existed?

SoTD Chapter 3: Prelude to Truth

“Omicron has been activated.” Ryukai said to himself. “And I’m still not free yet...”

Ryukai sat in a large metal room. There were no doors, no windows, and he could not enter his Dragonguard form. He did not know how long he had been here, but it felt like quite a long time.

Then suddenly the wall in front of him exploded and a hole large enough for him to crawl through opened. He did so and found himself in a long passage. Ryukai began running as fast as he could, however, the hallway would not end.

When he looked back, he found himself standing in the same spot. “Where am I?” he asked. “This place...seems like some sort of mental prison.”

And with that thought a bright light appeared and lit the hallway. A door was visible at the end. Ryukai walked through and found himself in a circular chamber made of the same material as his original cell.

“Could it really be as simple as stating the truth?” he asked himself.

The ceiling retracted and the floor began to rise. The elevator moved to another floor. There he could see another version of himself standing there.

“Why are you here?” asked the Other Version.

“I can’t remember.”

“Then you will never escape.”

Ryukai thought. The last thing he remembered was Mika and himself locking Omicron away underneath Soluna. The elevator moved slightly and the other version of himself began to fade. He knew he was nearing the truth.

“We left Omicron as a backup...and went after Mr. Z.” The elevator advanced a little further and his other self was extremely translucent.

“Then we were captured. And put to sleep. I woke up here.”

The other version of himself disappeared and the elevator flew upwards. “How did Zorbak construct something like this?” he asked himself.

The elevator stopped and he noticed he was now in a large field. After he stepped off the metallic platform, it disappeared into the earth. He looked around and saw the field seemingly continued on forever. However, in the distance he saw someone.

Ryukai approached the person and soon recognized them as Mika. “Mika?” he cried out.

“So you finally got here.” she said. “It took you long enough to escape...I think.”

“Is this, reality?” he asked.

“No. We are still trapped...whatever Zorbak did to us, we are trapped within. However, the exit is here.” It was then that Ryukai noticed Mika was standing on a large circular button. Next to her were two more.

“Those buttons...they activate the exit?”

Mika nodded. “However, we need Omicron to stand on the final button. And I don’t think he is here.”

Ryukai stood on the second button, and the frame of a door rose from the earth. “What if we just hold down the final one?”

“I already tried holding down all three. However, nothing happened. When you stood on the second this frame appeared. Whatever this is...we need another unique individual to stand on the final button.”

“Then we need to wait for Omicron to be captured and escape like we did?” he asked.

“It seems that way. Which scares me.”

“Don’t be scared.” said a voice. The two turned around to see another person. They say before them, Admiral Starbuck.

“Admiral?” Ryukai asked.

“He isn’t real.” Mika said. “He was killed.”

“I’m sure it looked that way. The only thing killed during the war was the Carrier. However I was saved...and imprisoned, by EbilCorp.”

“Kabroz ordered you dead.” Mika said, not as willing to trust Starbuck as Ryukai was.

“And Zorbak had me saved. Well..imprisoned. Didn’t any of you notice he disappeared from the palace?”

“ turned that place upside down searching for Kabroz.” Ryukai noted. “Did you see Zorbak?”

“I did not. But he could have been anywhere.” she said.

“I’ll show you that I am real.” he said. Starbuck stepped forward and stepped on the last button. The door frame exploded, and from the earth a full door appeared. The door opened itself and the world was devoured.

Ryukai opened his eyes and immediately panicked. Above him was a sheet of glass. He was in some sort of box, and there was a device on his head. However the device moved backwards and the cover slid off the box. He sat up and saw the same thing happen to two other pods. Mika and Starbuck climbed out of their pods.

“So you did survive.” Mika said. “Thank you for helping us escape.”

“I was trapped in there too.” Starbuck said laughing.

“Now that we are free, I think we should go have chat with Zorbak.” Ryukai said angrily as blue flames engulfed his fists.

“Wait a second...” Mika said. “There’s one more pod.” They moved to the back of the room and saw the cover of the pod was shattered and burnt. The signs of an energy bullet. Lying inside the pod, was Zorbak.

“No...” Starbuck said. “He put me in this pod, watched me as I sunk into his mental prison. Which means...”

“Someone decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.” Mika observed.

The group opened a door and found themselves in the middle of a bustling factory. Robots moved around busily. One side of giant room was a large glass window. And through it they saw Loreon.

“This is an EbilCorp station...and its still running.” Ryukai said. “I don’t think whoever killed Zorbak is a friend to us.”

“How right you are.” a voice said. They turned around and saw the door to the prison room being shut from behind. As the door swung backwards and shut they saw the figure step out of the darkness.

“Omicron?” Mika said. “Your a little late.”

“It appears to be that way. To think I was a few seconds away from terminating you three.”

“Terminating?” Ryukai asked. His fists lit up with blue flames. “You don’t mean...”

“Welcome to Hades.” he said smiling.

SoTD Chapter 2: Recollections

"Omicron?” the man asked himself. “That name sounds so familiar...”

“Are you remembering something?” James asked.

“No. It just sounds familiar. I remember another, a few...”

“Well go on.” Theta urged. “Please tell us. Perhaps we can help you.”

“Mika...Ray....and...Ryukai...Valkyrie...Phoenix...Starbuck...” he started saying struggling with the names.

“Starbuck?!” James asked taking a step back. “How do you know that name?” When Omicron just looked at him he became angry. “Tell me!” he cried out.

“James Starbuck.”

“You just repeated my name...” he said not knowing whether to be angry or upset.

“No, not you. A different James Starbuck...he was the Admiral. He helped us...I don’t remember with what...its all so fuzzy...”

“Let’s go Theta. He may look like you, but he doesn’t know anything. We should get away from this madman.”

Theta shook his head. “Be a bit more patient. Plus, are you willing to leave all these supplies behind? We could stay here for quite some time.”

“What good are these supplies if he kills us? He had a weapon when we entered! You should be thankful he handed it over...and what if this Omicron tries to take it back?”

“Would you really let him do that? And if he becomes hostile we could handle it. However, he is in a similar situation as I am...”

“That doesn’t mean he is the same as you. I know you aren’t going to turn around and kill me..”

“Do you now?” Theta asked. “You don’t know that. I’m exactly like Omicron. If I had a weapon...if I was alone for so long, be it a true period of ninety years or a few days, why wouldn’t I act the same way?”

“Are we really having this conversation?” James asked trying to convince Theta to leave with him.

“Tell me...why would you help me and not him? This is more than just a similar is almost exactly the same one. You helped me because I was hurt, and you won’t help Omicron? If I have any hopes of regaining my is here!”

James sighed. “Fine. We can stay for a bit. But if we don’t get answers soon, then I am leaving.”

Omicron smiled. “I remember now...Admiral Starbuck of the Soluna Defense Forces. He served under Queenadent Odessa with us.”

James felt uneasy. Omicron's memories were starting to align with what he knew. Perhaps this Omicron character did know something.

“He helped us in the war against the Shadowscythe. The Carrier of Hope was his ship...Lisa his wife...and Marcus his son. And he was killed due to the actions of Kabroz, the moglin who took control of EbilCorp after Zorbak.”

James was taken aback by all this. It was all true. However the last part made him uneasy. “After Zorbak? Zorbak is in control of EbilCorp now...he is the one responsible for all of this. The destruction, that army of Light Crawlers...what can only be described as the apocalypse.”

“He must not have aged. I have seen what EbilCorp is capable is not all that surprising to me.” Omicron said. “However, all hope is not yet lost. We need to find my allies...the DragonGuard.”

“DragonGuard?” Theta asked. “That sounds familiar to me...”

“They are a myth. The other survivors view them as hope, as the saviors of the world. But they haven’t shown themselves in a hundred years.”

“Around the same time Omicron arrived here.” Theta observed.

James looked at the two. “You aren’t saying...they also wound up like him? Crazy and alone inside fallout shelters?”

“No.” Omicron said continuing to remember. “I was lost...they found me. Restored me. But that was what caused amnesia. However, I have also gained newfound strength. They have too. I can sense it.”

With that last word he stretched out his palm and a blue flame appeared. James screamed, but Theta did not move. James couldn’t believe the sight. Omicron was telling the truth about everything? With this he knew it must be true. A mix of emotions flooded into him, and just as quickly they left. He didn’t know what to feel. Hope, shock, fear, safety...

Theta stared at the flame. “Initiating communications protocol. Marker identified. Linking to satellite EC-117. Contacting station 13.”

Theta’s eyes turned a dark red color and he emitted a laugh. A sinister laugh. “ has been such a long time.”

“Who are you?” Omicron asked.

“Zorbak. Your old friend. I am so very glad you are Theta can finish scanning the data and my clones can be created.”

“Clones?” James asked.

“Of the DragonGuard. In order to deal with those pesky beings I need to create a counter...I am calling them the EbilGuard! Such a clever name, isn’t it?”

“Impressive work Zorbak. So who is really behind this?” Omicron then asked smiling.

“Excuse me?!” Zorbak cried through Theta.

“We all know you are an idiot. You couldn’t destroy a rock with a nuclear missile. There is no way you brought about this apocalypse by yourself.”

“Mehehe. That is sadly true...however I have a new ally. An ally known as MOG. A robotic system that predicts the best moves possible and executes the actions necessary for EbilCorp to gain the most out of the world!”

“Well Zorbak have you scanned your data yet?” Omicron asked smiling widely.

“I haven’t begun the process yet.”

“Good.” Omicron said. He launched the flame at Theta who screamed, severing the connection with Zorbak. Omicron then produced a stream of flame and burned Theta.

“What the hell are you doing?!” James cried.

“He was just a robot. It was a necessary evil.”

“Necessary evil? You burnt made him suffer!”

“This world has very little hope left. I can’t take any chances...unfortunately I can’t take any chances with you either.”

James was engulfed in flame before he could respond. Omicron looked at the charred corpses before he left. “I have stored my emotions away for now...but when this is all over and the world is saved...I will mourn for both of you.”